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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 阿仙奴又俾球證玩死!
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Originally posted by filter-052fans at 2008-4-9 12:22:

喂, 好心你地唔好個賽果一唔合自...
totally agree with you...Arsenal should blame for the defence last night~~instead of the ref~~

how could Hyppia could make a header so easily in Reds' first goal?where was Sendros?he was supposed to mark Hyppia tighyly!!!!

how on earth Sendros could let Forres to turn around and make a shot so easily in Gunners' restricted area!!?? Torres was not tight mark at all in that goal, from the point he got the ball and made a banana shot.....and Sendros didn't do anything like try to tackle him..

For offence, Adebayor had missed a vital to make it draw just after Torres scored...if he could finish that shot perfectly, Gunners would be the one to progress to Semi final~~

Seriously...DONT always blame for Ref before evalute your own teams performance...if you had an experience of becoming a ref in a game..not this kind of vital game, you would definitely understand how hard to be a ref!!!

with this kind of performance from Sendros, Gunners do not really worth of progressing to semi final~~seriously~~
Originally posted by michelle_tom at 2008-4-9 12:56:

今場可以見到senderos真係廢到...... 但係多次已經害死阿仙奴啦bo...
For me, they are not the main reasons to make Arsenal in such a disaster...it's the dressing room atomosphere and Wenger himself..

In last league match, after Bendtner scored, no one went up to give him some applaud or encouragement...Only Walcott did it...it's quite obvious that everyone was still angry with his contribution to Liverpool in 1st leg of CL quarter final...With such a poor team spirit, how could they able to achieve trophy together...

Thus, Wenger has to take up this responsibility...He should have spent some time with players to solve problems between everyone....and more important is not showing to everyone on tv~~it's dressing room problem...should only be kept within dressing room...

the worst is he has chosen Gallas as Gunners' captain
how does he dare to select a newbie in his team to be the captain~!!?? and he's from same city's rival team~~~It has almost be proven that is not qualify to be captain...in this situation, he should be the first one to congratuate Bendtner..that's what a Captain should be...in fact, he didnt stand out to defend his fellow teamates~~

However, what he did is just sat on the pitch roaring and in tears (after VS Birminham) and saying all his good friends are chelsea players before a vital match before VS Liverpool!!  it's team spirit killing speech~!!! seriously~~
Have you ever seen Tony Adams, Dennis Bergkamp and Henry do similar things??

Of course, just like A Migofans says, their recent condition is another factor...everyone was nearly exhausted on the pitch~~Cech has lost that kind of energy that handle both offense and defense well~~and Wenger didnt trust his bench players...I cant remember when was last time G19 playing for Gunners...and Suddenly he was required to step onto the pitch in such critical conidition...Failure is probably the result that Gunners could expect for in CL...

You can see the difference between Fergie and Arsense this time...Sir Alex trust Darren Fletcher and JS Park in some vital match~~like vs Arsenal in FA Cup and 1st leg CL match VS Roma...

so i would say it's kind of wenger's problem this time~~

here's the video about interview and post match analysis after Man Utd VS Arsenal...
by Lee Dixon, and Alan Hansen..

they did make some pin-point comments about current Arsenal crisis...it's worth of watching it~~
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 阿仙奴又俾球證玩死!

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