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As said, I tend to think Terry's penalty miss is accidental.

However, this doesn't mean high-paid won't play fake. There is huge amount of betting money around (of course not from you & me), huge amount of money laundering, sicilian mafia money, corrupted russian money etc in this field. Do you aware who pay the huge jersey sponsor for teams like AC, Real Madrid, Spurs, Villa, Boro, Blackburn, Bremen etc? Do you aware of names like "Bwin", "Mansion", "888.com", "32red", "bet24"...and a lot more?

Have you ever read about brided referees in Italy, Germany...Juventus, AC?...those are already facts, and only an iceberg.

Do you know why fifa won't introduce replay to assist referee in soccer match? This is a money game! You can't bride the machine.

If you play football, you will find so many fake matches there. If you have time, take a look again of Liverpool vs Barnsley. That is a classic case. Arsenal lost points in both games against Bermingham. Do you know there are how many players transactions between the two clubs?

I didn't watch serie A now just because it is too "fake".
Originally posted by brightlee at 2008-5-24 09:33 PM:

You are partly right... that's wh...

But you know, people won't mind more money. Their high salary is vested benefit (or maybe they are paid so high coz they can help "others" to earn more?). Yesterday I read HK news, a top doctor & ex-medical dean of HKU cheated $4M from patients. He was doctor back 40 years ago & you can imagine his wealth & salary.

So, it's just human...(of course not mean all).

Anyway, thks for your valid points!
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 伍晃榮的一席話在歐聯決賽充分應驗出來...

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