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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » Entfun YFF : Euro 08
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Originally posted by 艾力克 at 8-6-2008 20:40:

i was so frustrated with this sys...
Why I hadn't faced the same problems as you....

The players in my bank of subs are still "Pavlychenko + Kallstrom + Senderos"....

Are you sure you've put Klose in line-up....???
I am now doubting that the points of subs. will be counted either...

If the players from the line-up take low or even negative points,
points from your subs. will be counted instead...

Let me take an example, 3-4-3, Senderos + Srna + Magnin, the sub. is Pepe.

I am doubting that YFF will count Pepe + Srna + Magnin....
Originally posted by 艾力克 at 9-6-2008 08:37:

Clean Sheet (Goalkeeper only) 5 p...
It is totally different from YFF Premier League...

1. You cannot check the squad from other players...
2. You will not know how the points calculated...
3. You may not know what are the real uses of subs....

Originally posted by 艾力克 at 9-6-2008 09:13:
我而家正選69(captain klose o係subs冇分), subs有31(唔知點解有分)
但total係82, 即係未計sneijder就計最高分o既frings

所以如果你肯定正選唔傷+有得出o既話, 你d subs都唔駛咁貴喇 (4-10差唔多)
見倒佢d咁o既計分方法, 即刻轉左做r朗+klose+ribery

It is the subs. of my team.
He has also been counted as total...

If my method of calculation is correct,
that means you still need some nice subs.
to avoid low points taken from line-up players...

Cheer up man~~
Never be affected by a game~

If you're frustrated, simply don't put too much energy in it...
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[ Last edited by Edgar_Davids on 2008-6-9 at 09:45 AM ]
Originally posted by 艾力克 at 9-6-2008 09:38:

唔同你之前post o個個陣o既 :naught...
Same squad I posted before deadline, you've thought too much...

I can't help you with Klose's case then...sorry

[ Last edited by Edgar_Davids on 2008-6-9 at 09:46 AM ]
Originally posted by 艾力克 at 9-6-2008 09:47:

"Let me take an example, 3-4-3, Senderos + Srna + Magnin, the sub. is Pepe."
即係我o既推理冇錯, 你仲有人未踢
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對不起各位, 由衷抱歉.
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » Entfun YFF : Euro 08

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