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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 港男俱樂部 » 嘩啦~嘩啦~08歐國盃打到黎
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"There were substantial protests as Italy believed the striker was offside, but the goal was allowed to stand - seemingly because of the presence of Christian Panucci, who was lying behind the goal line throughout."


"The Real Madrid striker was at least two yards offside when he tapped home inside the six-yard box. The linesman may have believed Christian Panucci played him onside but the felled Roma defender was clearly off the field of play when Sneijder struck the ball back into the danger area."


"Van Nistelrooy had better luck when he gave the Dutch the lead in hugely questionable circumstances after 26 minutes, standing in what looked like an offside position when he steered Sneijder's shot past Buffon."


"Striker Van Nistelrooy was clearly in an offside position when he turned in a shot from Sneijder, who was celebrating his 24th birthday, after 26 minutes.
Despite vehement Italian protests to the linesman, Swedish referee Peter Frojdfeldt ignored their calls to the delight of the vast swathes of orange-clad Dutch fans in the stadium."

Daily Mail:

"Former Manchester United striker Ruud van Nistelrooy gave the Dutch the lead in controversial circumstances after 26 minutes when he scored from close range - but also from an offside position."
I thought it was offside at 1st, but maybe not later.

someone was mentioning about the Fifa rule book or law 11.11 DEFENDER LEGALLY OFF THE FIELD OF PLAY A defender who leaves the field during the course of play and does not immediately return must still be considered in determining where the second to last defender is for the purpose of judging which attackers are in an offside position. Such a defender is considered to be on the touchline or goal line closest to his off-field position. A defender who leaves the field with the referee's permission (and who thus requires the referee's permission to return) is not included in determining offside position.

I think the Itailian defender was actually pushed off the pitch by his own keeper too and (maybe injured in the process a little), but I guess it's still not under the permission of the referee and so counted still as the last man.
Originally posted by woooot at 10-6-2008 10:13:
I thought it was offside at 1st, bu...
May I quote your post as a reference in Sports Section ?
Since I've PM Bright, it'll be more convenient for him to check...

Thanks so much~~
sure, I was quoting others as well


[ Last edited by woooot on 2008-6-10 at 10:23 AM ]
Originally posted by woooot at 10-6-2008 10:22:
Then please write a post and I'll add you with sources and points...
Originally posted by 也媽嗲 at 2008-6-9 23:41:

走開la ~ 肥lin
u mean add a discusion there for Euro 08? 

[ Last edited by woooot on 2008-6-10 at 10:28 AM ]
Originally posted by woooot at 10-6-2008 10:25:
u mean add a discusion there for Euro 08? 
Has this post there ?

Simply reply here....

[ Last edited by Edgar_Davids on 2008-6-10 at 10:30 AM ]
Originally posted by Edgar_Davids at 2008-6-10 10:27 AM:

Has this post there ? :ha...
ya,there wasn't , I think.  I was refering to this earlier as I thought you can shift this thread over to the sports section as it will be more prominent for others to filter-004 on Euro 08

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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 港男俱樂部 » 嘩啦~嘩啦~08歐國盃打到黎

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