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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 痛快!進攻足球的勝利!
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yup, that would be something new learnt , in addition to the spectacular performance by the Dutch team
Great game. Although I'm a fan of Capello, it's nice to see that his way (based on the traditional Italian defensive style although he has added his own innovations) isn't the only way you can win at the highest level
This is the answer from my referee coach for this incident:

"UEFA confirmed that the player's (Christian Panucci)momentum carried him off the field and therefore remains part of the game. He could've returned to the field immediately and involved himself in active play, without penalty, for exactly the same reasons.

If he was injured in all of this then his status wouldn't have changed until the next phase of play.

He certainly could be treated off the field, while all this is going, but couldn't re-enter until given permission by the referee.

With regards to the injured player theory, if he was still on the field and not seriously injured, then play wouldn't be stopped so the same logic would be applied with him being off the FOP."
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
Originally posted by brightlee at 2008-6-11 09:18 PM:
This is the answer from my referee ...
無錯各方面已經解釋得好清楚, 呢球唔係offside...

各方各界攪左兩日既答案, 佢地心水清到電光火石間可以明察秋毫?

成件事根本就係, 好彩彭路基on居居攤左係底線,
救左d裁判一命, 因為佢地根本係睇唔到雲佬offside...

呢d咁既波, 一年吹錯一百幾十次啦..
只不過累到意大利輸波, 當然成為焦點啦...
I can tell you, the referee/linesman from that level, they know they make a great call for this situation.
No doubt about it.
Fingers cross
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
Originally posted by filter-052fans at 2008-6-11 09:35 PM:

無錯各方面已經解釋得好清楚, 呢...
Originally posted by zxc3201163 at 2008-6-11 23:50:

There was offside....
that situation is more clear...
For that case
you can goto Fifa.com.... goto Laws of the Game...
hand on.. I find the direct link to you....


Click the box of: Interactive Guide to Offside Law 11>>

There should have "video" to help you in this case.

I read that last night

We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
Originally posted by filter-052fans at 2008-6-11 09:35 PM:

無錯各方面已經解釋得好清楚, 呢...

Originally posted by Kian76 at 2008-6-11 10:50 PM:

不過輸3蛋最大既問題唔係球offside, 係意大利自己...

好彩我唔係fans, 而且一早明白意大利高峰過後一定如此...

加埋意大利歐國杯不嬲麻麻, 鄧納東尼, 死亡之組, 青黃未接等等..

即本睇下聽晚, 佢地同法國邊隊88先...
Originally posted by filter-052fans at 2008-6-12 11:14 AM:



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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 痛快!進攻足球的勝利!

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