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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » Euro2008 討論區【賽前、賽後及現場討論】
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Khalid Boulahrouz has told Netherlands coach Marco van Basten he is available to play in Saturday's UEFA EURO 2008™ quarter-final against Russia despite the death of his baby daughter, who was born prematurely on Wednesday.

'Really hard'
"I understand that it is really hard for Khalid and we will have to support him as best we can," said Van Basten. "Still, our focus has to be on Russia and that is what Khalid also wants." The 26-year-old Boulahrouz, an ever-present so far in the Oranje defence, has been with his wife Sabia at a hospital in Lausanne, where she was taken after suffering complications with her pregnancy. He will have freedom to leave the Dutch camp as and when he chooses, explained Van Basten, who said: "He is always allowed to go and visit his wife."

Hiddink reunion
Looking ahead to the quarter-final meeting with a Russia team led by former Netherlands coach Guus Hiddink, Van Basten said: "I really find it nice for Guus. After a bit of a difficult start, Russia have started to play very well during this tournament. They are an attack-minded team, with technically skilled players." That said, Van Basten acknowledges that his side are favourites, adding: "I think this group can handle that."
sneijder should replace modric in the lineup
and 基亞 should be a left back, rite?
Originally posted by jpq at 2008-6-30 07:25 PM:
do anyone remember j.mourinho tip spain will win at the start of the tournament? top class is top class.
所以... 尋晚嬴左5分
其實德國隊4強時已經出口術反映佢地驚對西班牙, 輸得合理

點解拿姆進攻ok好, 防守成日俾人過
點解iniesta都有得入最佳23, 睇佢4強同決賽都踢得麻麻喎
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » Euro2008 討論區【賽前、賽後及現場討論】

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