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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » fantasy NBA League 2008 - 2009
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原帖由 Xtravagant 於 2009-3-16 12:22 AM 發表

This league has been pretty fun so far. Everyone is quite competitive... it's arguably one of the most competitive FNBA league you'll find in a HK forum

Just look at the number of moves we've used ...
i need to build a better team next year with a better first rounder if returning....

well, we do have a person who picked up FAs whenever showing positive signs....

[ 本帖最後由 asurada001 於 2009-3-16 12:39 AM 編輯 ]
希望升到 1000 分.....係有時間既話...
原帖由 Xtravagant 於 2009-3-22 06:34 PM 發表

It's because you weren't in those 'must win' position this year all around, and T-wolf have left early in the season.
I still enjoyed playing because there are still surprises, for example, I could ...
lose in 3-6...

the story of my team this year is injuries...injuries and more injuries...
i was relying on Al Jefferson to make a comeback.... but he's gone for the season in Feb....

sad.... i feel i like i can fall to bottom 2 with my team right now as R-star, EQ, and Terry making some late charges....
if KG manages to lose to a point where his record ties with mine.... he still win the tiebreaker in winning %....

will i be coming back next season?...

[ 本帖最後由 asurada001 於 2009-3-22 07:06 PM 編輯 ]
希望升到 1000 分.....係有時間既話...
原帖由 Xtravagant 於 2009-3-22 07:23 PM 發表

How does the tie breaker work?
Say 10 w and 9 W 2 D... Do they look at the number of W first? If that's tied then go onto historical matchups or do they look at FG%?

in regular season... usually the tiebreaker are the following...
  • Overall winning percentage.
  • Highest winning percentage in Week 21.
  • Highest winning percentage in Week 20.
  • Highest winning percentage in Week 19.
  • Highest winning percentage in Week 18.
  • Highest winning percentage in Week 17.
  • Highest winning percentage in Week 16.
  • Highest winning percentage in Week 15.
  • until Week 1.... then a coin toss....

if KG's team somehow ties with me in the standing.....
since he has more ties in his record than me.... therefore his overall winning percentage is better than me....
i will lose the tiebreaker in this situation...

yeah, i am in lose-lose situation right now..... i don't think i will nail the 8th spot in the standing...

[ 本帖最後由 asurada001 於 2009-3-22 07:52 PM 編輯 ]
希望升到 1000 分.....係有時間既話...
原帖由 R-Star 於 2009-3-23 10:01 AM 發表

sugo... 你唔想o係le1 matchup我, 唯一方法就係入唔倒final
希望升到 1000 分.....係有時間既話...
原帖由 Xtravagant 於 2009-3-24 07:18 PM 發表

Dude you're running out of ammunition... You can bet I will make tonnes of move in the last few days to fight back
..... better than becoming bottom 2......

what is your recommendation? lay down and stay dead?

[ 本帖最後由 asurada001 於 2009-3-24 11:41 PM 編輯 ]
希望升到 1000 分.....係有時間既話...
原帖由 Xtravagant 於 2009-3-25 10:57 PM 發表
Electronic Unicorn is sooo strong next week.

D.W, Milsap, Brewer - 5 games
A.Miller, AI, OJ, Kobe, K.Mart, McDyess - 4 games
Parker, Hill - 3 games
Dudely, Hinrich, Outlaw - wheels...

hmm... 5 ga ...
but you never win against Ming in regular season...
希望升到 1000 分.....係有時間既話...
原帖由 Xtravagant 於 2009-3-26 12:23 AM 發表

That is because Ming is lucky in regular season... I'm sure his team won't have as strong schedule as Electronic Unicorn's...
haha, true.... i guess there's no stopping against Electronic Unicorn now....
希望升到 1000 分.....係有時間既話...
原帖由 Xtravagant 於 2009-3-29 05:44 PM 發表
Beasley isn't that bad right? No one wants him on the FA!

My Calderon... save your 19asts for next week!!!
to me.... he's that bad.... oh well, i have nothing to play for anyway......
Jarvis Hayes got a child and his DNP just finished me...sigh...

btw, am i coming back next year?....

[ 本帖最後由 asurada001 於 2009-3-29 07:13 PM 編輯 ]
希望升到 1000 分.....係有時間既話...
原帖由 Xtravagant 於 2009-3-29 08:05 PM 發表

Yes, as long as you want to come back for redemption!

I tried my best to make good pickup for T-wolf to win the points catergory... but his core players: JS, Rondo, Perkins, Odom, D.West, Lopez bar ...
of course i want to come back for redemption!!...
i have every reason for an attempt to come back next year......

Rush and House made up for the points and 3ptm categories already....
i couldn't catch up....
should have picked up Carney...instead of Hayes...

X, you are vs-ing me in le2 this week... but i feel like giving up....

[ 本帖最後由 asurada001 於 2009-3-29 08:32 PM 編輯 ]
希望升到 1000 分.....係有時間既話...
原帖由 Xtravagant 於 2009-3-29 08:30 PM 發表

Personally I don't think the game between T-wolf and you is settled. IMO, both have equal chances to win with 34 pts difference but you have 4 players playing...
You don't have to give up geh... th ...
70 pts difference right now....Shaq, West, Hilton Armstrong and Udrih are left for my team and Nocioni for T-wolf...

which means i need at least 30 each from Shaq and West....... then whatever left of Armstrong and Udrih need to match up with Nocioni's.......

hard to do to be honest.... with Armstrong and Udrih are very inconsistent with pts....
like i said before... Jarvis Hayes' sudden DNP bites...

[ 本帖最後由 asurada001 於 2009-3-29 08:37 PM 編輯 ]
希望升到 1000 分.....係有時間既話...
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » fantasy NBA League 2008 - 2009

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