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原帖由 Xtravagant 於 2008-10-19 05:28 PM 發表

今次座頭位pick先知道原來o甘慘。Calderon,Beasley,Redd, Hedo, T.Young 系早左pick,但我又覺得我無辦法吾o甘做wor...

系到尾round先執到幾件好貨(In my opinion): Green, Marvin, Blatche, Watson... ...
i did the same thing last year....
原帖由 Xtravagant 於 2008-10-20 06:23 PM 發表
Feeon's team is a dark horse this season.
and mine is an underdog team...
原帖由 Xtravagant 於 2008-10-20 10:01 PM 發表
Lopez impressed me with his near 20-10 performance.  Even Beasley /  Oden hadn't put up a  line this nice in preaseason games.
well, someone else other than Harris and Carter have to score for the Nets.

it's matter of Lopez being able to perform consistently...
原帖由 Xtravagant 於 2008-10-20 11:38 PM 發表

I'd drop A.Daniel before dumping Moon... there goes an early round 10~
what's the use of moon these days?

Moon's starting job is in jeopardy....

[ 本帖最後由 asurada001 於 2008-10-21 12:28 AM 編輯 ]
原帖由 Xtravagant 於 2008-10-21 12:32 AM 發表

Well I won't make such assumption...yet :-) But yeah as I predicted on draft night, his outlook isn't too good.

So is another SF/PF: Travis Outlaw...He is fighting so many people for the starting  ...
That job seems to be going to Nicolas Batum...
and Outlaw probaly have to start from the bench....

Moon's problem is not due to O'Neal and Bosh....
it is Moon's poor work ethic starting to show up in this pre-season and allows other guys to take over.....

as for Daniels, there are no PG available for wizards.  He won't be spectacular, but he's solid when give starter minutes and i just love PGs....

oh well, i may re-think about moon in couple of days..

[ 本帖最後由 asurada001 於 2008-10-21 12:49 AM 編輯 ]
原帖由 Xtravagant 於 2008-10-21 05:48 PM 發表

I can't believe Mike Antoni is trying to start Marbury over Crawford...

NYK starting line up today:
PG: Duhon
SG: Nate
C: Lee
PF: Chandler
SF: Marbury... ...
lol.. looks like final battle for final starter spot is ON....
Crawford is back in SG....
原帖由 Xtravagant 於 2008-10-24 08:33 PM 發表

I never thought he'd be on bench for the entire season
oh well.. R-Star's reaction move on Marbury may backfire....

[ 本帖最後由 asurada001 於 2008-10-24 09:51 PM 編輯 ]
原帖由 Xtravagant 於 2008-10-25 04:49 PM 發表
Elric, why did u pick up J.Noah, isn't the bulls front court very crowded and Gooden, T.Thomas is locked in starting role?
he's trying to get as many reb as possible... since his team is thin in ast type PGs....
survived LeBron attack on the first day... it's a good start...
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » fantasy NBA League 2008 - 2009

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