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原帖由 ee_lys 於 2008-10-23 07:10 PM 發表
dun be afraid..

"feeon" could be our backup~XD

btw, how many league 1 players do we hv in the group?

and how's yr picking order?
#43 打得咁辛苦都唔睇
League 1 players: harvey, harvey's bro, eqhigh, xtravagant, R-star(me) (5 players)

依度le2 o既draft order係random, 即係30分鐘前先知

依度都睇倒le1 draft成點
http://www.26fun.com/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=190528&page=37#pid2907341 (你click入去睇啦 )

Round 1
1. Chris Paul  + Xtravaganza +
2. LeBron James  +Slaughterin...
3. Kobe Bryant  Electronic U...
4. Amare Stoudemire  A Hero and A...
5. Shawn Marion  FASTBREAK 2.0
6. Dwyane Wade  number one
7. Dirk Nowitzki  T-Wolf 2008
8. Deron Williams  terry~DX
9. Elton Brand  Real Smooth
10. Pau Gasol  Jackson_EQ
11. Allen Iverson  Sugo Underdogs
12. Baron Davis  Rubio

Round 2
1. Dwight Howard  Rubio
2. Al Jefferson  Sugo Underdogs
3. Carlos Boozer  Jackson_EQ
4. Caron Butler  Real Smooth
5. Danny Granger  terry~DX
6. Josh Smith  T-Wolf 2008
7. Kevin Garnett  number one
8. Chauncey Billups  FASTBREAK 2.0
9. Yao Ming  A Hero and A...
10. Tim Duncan  Electronic U...
11. Steve Nash  +Slaughterin...
12. Chris Bosh  + Xtravaganza +

Round 3
1. Jose Calderon  + Xtravaganza +
2. Marcus Camby  +Slaughterin...
3. Andre Iguodala  Electronic U...
4. Rudy Gay  A Hero and A...
5. Kevin Martin  FASTBREAK 2.0
6. Carmelo Anthony  number one
7. Joe Johnson  T-Wolf 2008
8. Jason Richardson  terry~DX
9. Rashard Lewis  Real Smooth
10. Vince Carter  Jackson_EQ
11. David West  Sugo Underdogs
12. Ron Artest  Rubio

[ 本帖最後由 R-Star 於 2008-10-23 07:26 PM 編輯 ]
岩岩返到, 沖涼食野先~

希望唔好"又"draft第尾(兩年le1都係咁 ), 唔想draft d差唔多o既人
最好有top5 pick
原帖由 ee_lys 於 2008-10-26 06:23 AM 發表
Rubio drafted many players that i like.....T^T
but you are two positions ahead of me wor

i have changed my strategy to draft after drafting le1 one week before
le1 strategy: pick a PG or C in the first two rounds, then draft players based on needs and position; thereafter, i found out i let many good players pass and the team is not strong enough

le2 strategy: simple is the best, i just pick the best players available; although PG and C positions look a bit thin, but the team is consistent and quite all-around; i like and know most players much, just wonder how the MIL backcourt will perform

i think i can stick with this team without many changes
原帖由 ee_lys 於 2008-10-27 09:52 AM 發表
btw 首先我要解決時差呢個問題...

我訓醒先攪...真係會無晒好球員 @ free agent 的說...

仲要第一個week 對 X....>
我訓覺前(hk time)先最多news
講真, 一個12team o既league仲會有幾多好球員係比賽後先出現呀

原帖由 Xtravagant 於 2008-10-30 11:17 AM 發表
Unreal burnt 11 moves in first week...
What should we do?
原帖由 Xtravagant 於 2008-10-30 08:38 PM 發表
我今日仲以為簽硬 Garcia / Chalmers 好筍
聽你咁講完, 咪個個仆去簽
原帖由 ee_lys 於 2008-10-30 09:09 PM 發表
unreal繼續燒quota o既話, 你好快會少個對手
原帖由 ee_lys 於 2008-11-1 08:14 PM 發表
is that too many trade for me...=_=...

so many trade? do you mean proposal?

btw, why don't you drop marbury for a center (or waive nene?)
原帖由 Xtravagant 於 2008-11-2 07:16 PM 發表
大家需吾需要加 quota from 70 to 100?...

i dun think it is necessary (yet)
as his team is auto-picked, he needs time to rebuild his team

on the other hand, his add/drop in le1 is acceptable
so i suppose it is enough for him for the while season
原帖由 wilsham716 於 2008-11-3 11:37 AM 發表

唔駛set lineup
真達拿冇乜機, manu更加唔駛諗
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 有冇人有興趣玩fantasy nba 2008 -2009

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