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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 有冇人有興趣玩fantasy nba 2008 -2009
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X, I feel interest in this offer
but I have no idea who to drop......
So, please give some time to me or give some advice to me
原帖由 R-Star 於 2008-12-15 09:45 PM 發表


personally i am high on okafor and thus his perceptual value is similar to manu

boozer's trading value is higher than west, due to the emergence of millsap, i w ...
KG+M.Daniels ~ Duncan
但我又唔想drop Battier,Barnes用左個waiver咖嘛,Varejao又好鬼有用
原帖由 R-Star 於 2008-12-26 11:42 PM 發表

我當然知你冇veto (你有睇league個msg board就知)


anyway, just to let you know...
i am still interested in chandler (low price) and nate (high price)

merry christmas ...
唔睇個msg board由是可,一睇...........

睇番drop d人咪當個5 v 5 黎睇囉,如果係5v5都幾fair啦
原帖由 ee_lys 於 2009-1-7 06:43 AM 發表
Dont try to stop me...

wait me 1 day ok??

i am a bit sick today.....and

i will review yr trade tmr night..(UK)...

Of coz
but you may just feel unfair
原帖由 R-Star 於 2009-1-7 10:55 PM 發表

1st: interested in harris and jeff green
2nd: foye, de.west, bogut can come as an alternative
J.Green 可放~
also Bogut~

對Biedrins, D.Lee 都有興趣

原帖由 R-Star 於 2009-1-27 10:33 AM 發表

有兩個好球員好簽, 偏偏你簽個不受球練歡迎o既球員

收親你o既offer都覺得你唔知價, 可能我地唔岩傾
Try to making a counter offer

KG / Gasol, which one have a higher value?(FOR U)
原帖由 R-Star 於 2009-1-27 11:49 PM 發表

send tons of offer to you and "my way to win" these few days

kg has more value, but i would like to keep gasol due to the additional assist

target list...
1. duncan, iggy, LBJ (i can overpay a  ...
3 counter trade, haha
佢出左個Melo to Harris 既offer比我,岩你心水啵

p.s. 想問下你意見,le1既,同harvey既trade
佢好想要stuckey,如果係Stuckey , Thompson, Rudy to Sessions, Felton, Collison
同埋Stuckey , Thompson, Boozer to Sessions, Felton, J O'neil

你覺得依兩個offer 邊面贏?

[ 本帖最後由 eqhigh 於 2009-1-28 01:40 AM 編輯 ]
原帖由 wilsham716 於 2009-1-28 05:07 PM 發表


amare+ ? = gasol+lee /okafor/Biedrins

計算價格能力不足,有興趣路過者也可以幫我計下............. ...
Biedrins > D.Lee > West > Okafor > Nene

Amare + Nene = Gasol + Okafor
Amare + West = Gasol + D.Lee

anyway , 我都對Amare有興趣,仲有Granger,不過應該唔賣啦你
原帖由 Xtravagant 於 2009-2-18 11:40 AM 發表
EQ: RJ's value can't go higher than this month average. Something must be wrong if you still can't sell him
I tried....
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 有冇人有興趣玩fantasy nba 2008 -2009

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