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Max Acquisitions per Week: 7
原帖由 Xtravagant 於 2008-10-5 12:17 PM 發表
With this setting, managers no longer needs to worry about overused their moves for playoffs. Yet it can also controls the use of cartwheel...

Just keep in mind that acquisition should include mov ...
take football as an example
if in the football world, it's a bit strange to "request" you to use 100m per season, otherwise the budget would not be used / accumulated next year
that's an interesting idea as well

on the other hand, we may also make the league becomes "public"
原來係friday draft, o個晚要上堂+測驗
不過唔緊要, 未試過auto-draft, 盡量10:15時趕到返黎draft埋下半場

i dun need to change the time as i was so talented , and also not free on sat night

講開又講, 之前o係討論區見倒anfman(上年le2成員)都召集緊人玩league

[ 本帖最後由 R-Star 於 2008-10-19 07:39 PM 編輯 ]
my way to win-ee_lys - ee_lys
be good - hk guy, champion in other league last year
zephyr - hk guy, first runner-up in other league last year

bubba petrelli - experience player and champion in other league last year

last year's players
the centaur - harvey's brother (last year's champion)
don't try to stop me - eqhigh
rubio - me
xtravagant - xtravagant

are that two your friends? seems so talented
another one should be someone found us in the public league searching
原帖由 ee_lys 於 2008-10-20 09:33 PM 發表
u autopick@@?

how many ppl actually do not available at this time slot?
i have no problem with HK time 9pm or 11pm

if your time is slower than HK 7 hrs, that would be 2pm or 4pm while Xtravagant is 12am or 2am (which maybe too late for him as the draft lasts for 2hrs)
原帖由 ee_lys 於 2008-10-21 10:59 PM 發表
that's good...at least 8 ppl available..

but...others 4 are???
last year's players
+oh bobs+ - harvey
the centaur - harvey's brother (last year's champion)
don't try to stop me - eqhigh
rubio - me
xtravagant - xtravagant
my way to win-ee_lys - ee_lys

be good - your friend, champion in other league last year
zephyr - your friend, first runner-up in other league last year

other players
bubba petrelli - experience player and champion in other league last year
crazy ass texans - experience player but not playing well
avenal miller time - just played once in 2006
energizer - no profile is disclosed, maybe new to this game

potential 10 active players
gotta study again
原帖由 Xtravagant 於 2008-10-22 03:16 AM 發表

Do u want to play? I can boot this guy out for you:
avenal miller time - just played once in 2006

why not energizer?
although i think it is no gd to boot someone out without a reason
原帖由 ee_lys 於 2008-10-22 07:38 PM 發表

the slack comissioner...

so...we hv at least 10 ppl available for the live draft or more??

PS: I and my 2 fds confirmed ok~
isn't it 10pm (hk time) perfect for every people?

UK - 3pm
US - 10am
AUS - 1am

anyway, don't change any more
energizer has really left
11 ppl only now
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 有冇人有興趣玩fantasy nba 2008 -2009

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