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原帖由 eqhigh 於 2009-1-27 11:28 PM 發表
Try to making a counter offer
KG / Gasol, which one have a higher value?(FOR U)
send tons of offer to you and "my way to win" these few days

kg has more value, but i would like to keep gasol due to the additional assist

target list...
1. duncan, iggy, LBJ (i can overpay a bit to get this group of players)
2. foye, j green
3. harris
4. oneal, bogut

P.S. dun under-rate my little pieces like thompson, love, telfair, sessions, conley (sorry that i like l.williams much, but how come ee_lys did not add him lol )

to ee_lys...
target list for your team is...
1. melo
2. wade, josh smith
3. ridnour, rose (sorry to say... although i can overpay to get my target players, your recent offer is just not enough for me to accept)

[ 本帖最後由 R-Star 於 2009-1-27 11:56 PM 編輯 ]
原帖由 ee_lys 於 2009-1-28 06:06 AM 發表
本來send 左個trade
但send 完先記得你話唔想要3pts..

becoz而家無左redd......我都想放棄3 pts....

咁既情況...如果我暫時target 係trade 走 melo 同 azubuike...

你未必有興趣吧^^"? ...
主要target melo, 對azubuike完全冇興趣
另外對josh smith, horford, ridnour, rose有少少興趣
原帖由 asurada001 於 2009-1-28 02:38 AM 發表
i wanted to add Conley, but i don't have space for him...
ya, i think he is worth a try at least

i have a tough decision to drop telfair or l.williams for him
原帖由 eqhigh 於 2009-1-28 01:34 AM 發表
3 counter trade, haha
佢出左個Melo to Harris 既offer比我,岩你心水啵

p.s. 想問下你意見,le1既,同harvey既trade
佢好想要stuckey,如果係Stuckey , Thompson, Rudy to Sessions, Felton, Collison
同埋St ...

stuckey vs felton (fair but stuckey wins)
- coach just consider benching hamilton or iverson, even there is rumor that iverson may be traded, it just proved stuckey is more than a future star of pistons;
- on the other hand, augustin may be back on friday, it increases the possibility that felton will be traded soon; if that's the case, no matter where felton lands his value will decrease; even if he remains at the team, he will have minutes taken by augustin (a player coach need to develop in the second half for the next year... who needs the old man bell in the future plan?! his role should be similar as bowen in spurs)

thomspon vs sessions (depends on needs but sessions has slight advantage)
- rumors only related to brad, moore, kenny, hawes, salmons, but none is related to thompson, it is set in stone that thompson has locked in the PF position, and his potential double-double is useful in any team
- since redd is done, sessions will shift to the SG starter position; as ridnour can only play PG while sessions can play PG/SG, he will play more minutes and perhaps more assists than ridnour due to the increase in minutes; he should be more all-around than thompson but just depends on needs

rudy vs collison (depends on needs but rudy wins)
- still think portland's competition is too intense, but at least rudy is offering about 2 3pts/game in average, his skills and mentality is so good that he will have his minutes
- a little inconsistent than rudy; the pro is he is as young as krstic that coach will take time to develop both guy's confidence and thus minutes sharing

P.S. gasol, KG 都冇所謂, 因為諗諗下又好似keep kg好d, 睇下你想要邊個啦

[ 本帖最後由 R-Star 於 2009-1-28 12:59 PM 編輯 ]
原帖由 wilsham716 於 2009-1-28 03:50 PM 發表

目前想放amare,卡達,t mac

stat唔到要ast, fg%都ok


加素我有興趣,但我對佢的估值唔太高 ...
有興趣球員包括: amare, nene/west
原帖由 wilsham716 於 2009-1-28 08:19 PM 發表
granger keep季尾了除非係wade james CP的交易


我再諗下~~有d想要攻擊型控衞,M eillis考慮緊....... ...
雖然ellis可以放, 但你隊波除左amare,nene, or west之外冇乜人岩我用
所以我之前send offer都主要send俾ee_lys同eqhigh (你理人地d offer又唔理我 )
原帖由 wilsham716 於 2009-1-29 12:03 AM 發表
我理嫁= =,不過我ban左BOB二個offer,因為唔like 3vs2............不太想放人.......


我話eqhigh幫你諗兩個center點trade, 但之前話counter offer又冇出

我岩岩o係le1 drop左kaman
IGGY同duncan trade唔trade架

assignment week?
原帖由 ee_lys 於 2009-1-31 01:54 AM 發表
如果我有module 要上
我就要9:00am 上到6:30pm 的了


但呢個module ...= ="
damn mentally demanding...
前兩日都有case studies 要做...

email 我收 ...
以前讀書時覺得返工邊有咁多野做, 但出到黎做野又唔同, 乜都要趕 ; 不過依幾個禮拜又好鬼得閒

如果9-9得一兩個鐘break真係好攰, hw is always important than "games"

cheers up!!

要你考慮即係個offer出得未夠好, 唔可以令你睇完就accept, 你仲想要d咩

[ 本帖最後由 R-Star 於 2009-1-31 02:37 AM 編輯 ]
原帖由 wilsham716 於 2009-1-31 10:54 AM 發表
2.諗緊好唔好救team波的助攻,如果個方向係救助攻,可能會變為用west for KG加人都唔定
3.如果west換kg or gasol是但一個,我會覺得安全過用amare,但係 ...
1. nash打得好係想入明星賽, 之後背傷又會再次影響佢表演
3. 本來仲想要nene, 不過3個要晒風險增加好多, 要視乎你要番我咩球員

但佢唔會影響倒gasol表現, 佢(gasol)只會愈打愈好

P.S. 你 "0% owned" 個fa簽得好好

to ee_lys:
cp3, okafor, biedrins are not for sale since i needa get them tactically

[ 本帖最後由 R-Star 於 2009-1-31 01:26 PM 編輯 ]
原帖由 ee_lys 於 2009-1-31 08:30 PM 發表


or else...actually.,..i think my proposal is not bad to u...
yes, it's the most tempting offer received from you
其他兩個可以放, 但你一個未出, 一個岩岩出, 好難放okafor

i have two offers in my mind, if you are here, we can talk about that...
原帖由 wilsham716 於 2009-1-31 07:58 PM 發表
Javaris Crittenton,今日打得幾好,應該教練會比機會,冇理由仲要mike james個老鬼嫁
poor that eqhigh does not response to my two KG offers

hope david west does not get hurt again and hope it would be a good trade to both sides

coach should develop crittenton instead of old man james, that's right
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 有冇人有興趣玩fantasy nba 2008 -2009

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