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小蒙恬中Trojan horse BackDoor.Bifrose.AVE

一開小蒙恬AVG就話小蒙恬中左隻叫"Trojan horse BackDoor.Bifrose.AVE"既毒

please help...brother

1) AVG話小蒙恬 customfilter-031 中左 "Trojan horse BackDoor.Bifrose.AVE"
2) AVG moved customfilter-031 to VAULT. & i empty the VAULT.
3) I also uninstalled 小蒙恬. & 再 install 過.
4) 再install過都仲係甘....AVG話小蒙恬 customfilter-031 中左 "Trojan horse BackDoor.Bifrose.AVE"
原帖由 exciting 於 2008-9-28 09:38 PM 發表
一開小蒙恬AVG就話小蒙恬中左隻叫"Trojan horse BackDoor.Bifrose.AVE"既毒

please help...brother

1) AVG話小蒙恬 customfilter-031 中左 "Trojan horse Back ...
Disable <<system restore>> and then clean up the virus again.
原帖由 Triangel 於 2008-9-29 02:53 AM 發表

Disable  and then clean up the virus again.
system restore...it's already Disabled .....my computer always set it as "disable".

AVG just moved the infected file (custom exe) to  VAULT.

but without ( custom exe ), i can't open 小蒙恬.
del左小蒙恬, 再install過都仲係甘

[ 本帖最後由 exciting 於 2008-9-29 08:05 AM 編輯 ]
原帖由 exciting 於 2008-9-29 08:01 AM 發表

system restore...it's already Disabled .....my computer always set it as "disable".

AVG just moved the infected file (custom exe) to  VAULT.

but without ( custom exe ), i can't open 小蒙恬.
del左 ...
That could be a false positive by your antivirus software.
Contact 小蒙恬 for further information
原帖由 Triangel 於 2008-9-29 10:07 AM 發表

That could be a false positive by your antivirus software.
Contact 小蒙恬 for further information
Please Help !  I also  have the SAME problem.  I have tried many spyware software to clean but still cannot install the Chinese pen software !!!!!!!   virus is   

Trojan Horse Backdoor.Bifrose.AVE  in  Win32/Customfilter-031

Please help. Thanks.
原帖由 lookforward 於 2008-9-29 07:44 PM 發表

Please Help !  I also  have the SAME problem.  I have tried many spyware software to clean but still cannot install the Chinese pen software !!!!!!!   virus is   

Trojan Horse Backdoor.Bifrose.AV ...
If the Software package is originally downloaded or the CD is from the official company, it get to be the false positive by antivirus software.
I have a couple of software (but not the one listed above) have already admitted that was a false positive.
Thanks !  However, how can I re-install the Chinese Pen Software so that I can use it in my computer again.

原帖由 lookforward 於 2008-9-30 12:12 AM 發表
Thanks !  However, how can I re-install the Chinese Pen Software so that I can use it in my computer again.

Try an older verison for temporary use
原帖由 Triangel 於 2008-9-30 12:50 AM 發表

Try an older verison for temporary use
my 小蒙恬software & 手寫板 are version 5.
i can't find any older version on the internet...

i try version 7, but my 手寫板ver5  can't use ver7 software.

(somebody said only ver 5 have that virus problem....)
i made some search for this problem...
Maybe it's AVG has mistake on that day...

Right now, i install 小蒙恬 again....it seems no problem til now....my AVG doesn't detect the custom exe as virus....
Let's see....hope no more problem again....
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 電腦區 » 小蒙恬中Trojan horse BackDoor.Bifrose.AVE

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