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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 港男俱樂部 » 神棍開壇,凖死人不償命!
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原帖由 slwong3 於 2009-1-14 07:41 AM 發表

Thank you very much Lee3

Although, I don't quite understand most of it.
Like right now, I am still very poor.  I am just working at a low position within the company...
I also have to use half of  ...
don't forget, this is for the whole year. Which means only the Main Card is what's representing YOU right now, the rest are for the whole 2009.

As for the work/money, Wands 10, is about achieving. Look at Han Gaozu, his rising from humble origins, which can be compared to you. While you may not achieve to his level, you can still make a name for yourself. It just takes lots of perseverance. Also, "letting go" is AFTER you've achieved, look at the picture (just look it up on google), it is a man who is carrying 10 sticks. It is AFTER he carries the sticks that he is tired, it's not before.

as for love, it is either you will be alone or you should find someone that will submit to you. Because of the other cards, it will be too hectic for either you or the other person. Therefore it will end up badly.
any more takers?
疑問: LOVE
主牌 :23
副牌 :10,28,14,2
~我相信~我相信~我相信~我相信~我相信~ (默念)
~加油~加油~加油~加油~加油~加油~加油~ (默念)

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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 港男俱樂部 » 神棍開壇,凖死人不償命!

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