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Manchester United Want Huntelaar To Replace Tevez – Report
The English champions have apparently already begun lining up replacements for the little Argentine...
Manchester United are reportedly eyeing Real Madrid striker Klaas Jan Huntelaar as a replacement for Carlos Tevez.
Tevez is widely expected to leave Old Trafford this summer, with the Red Devils believed to be unwilling to pay the £32 million required to sign the Argentine international.
However, the Sunday People claims that whilst Tevez will leave, United will instead turn to Real Madrid’s Huntelaar, who they expect to sign for €17 million.
The English champions have been linked with the Dutch striker in the past, before he signed for Real Madrid back in January.
Huntelaar has gone on to score eight goal in 14 games for the Spanish club, yet publicly admitted he was unhappy with the club after he was left out of their Champions League squad, in favour of Lassana Diarra.
With Florentino Perez set to return as Madrid president, the future of several players, and particularly the Dutch contingent, has come under scrutiny.
All of which means that Huntelaar’s future at the club remains unclear, something which could potentially pave the way for a move to Old Trafford.
Gill Clark, Goal.com

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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » [09-10]夏季市場足球轉會消息討論

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