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nate 會唔會從此被ban架
Rated-R 發表於 2009-11-22 09:32 PM
太多人射3分喇, 連harrington d 3分都分走埋
guard位多左douglas, w.chandler有時又打埋sg, 冇咁多mins黎分
依邊好差咁輸3-6 (一個3pt, 一個stl)
黎緊對funny賽程都唔錯, 有機會再升

本帖最後由 R-Star 於 2009-12-9 01:09 AM 編輯

231# Rated-R
I think so
he had too many serious injury for 2 years already
time to get rest and heal

he is always an injury-risk until he gets rest for a long time or surgery

P.S. at least one month~
Oh no... Dahntay Jones is my last hope but now I can only curse that he is a two dimension producer: FG% & points
Xtravagant 發表於 2009-12-10 05:17 PM
I don't know why eqhigh dropped d. jones once the news said granger is out for 4-6 weeks
I don't think the trade is making sense...
but I am not sure to veto it,,

maybe something I missed out?
eqhigh 發表於 2009-12-15 05:00 PM
different people have different point of view

if you think the trade does not make sense, you can veto it
I don't understand why blatche is better than haslem
A.Brooks 愈打愈好
vbvb 發表於 2010-1-3 05:56 PM
多麼討厭的Blake Griffin...
eqhigh 發表於 2010-1-14 09:57 PM
佢本身易傷, 不過都對佢有少少期望

又簽blatche, 個個都諗住butler/jamison會走
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » Fantasy NBA League 2009 - 2010

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