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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » Fantasy NBA League 2009 - 2010
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163# eqhigh
校隊? 你踢咩位呀?

8,9點都有好多人add, 我以前返學都係咁
Rated-R 發表於 2009-11-7 04:06 PM
pre-season時crawford唔o係度佢都打得唔好, 除左3分外, 出場時間同助攻都好低

而且佢都30幾歲, 教練話要keep住佢fresh, 所以crawford value一定高過佢; 暫時睇黎隊波多射手只係益左內線球員, 對佢幫助不大

我對你個球員有興趣, 個trade點睇?
192# feeon
that's okay
but ford is not assist-oriented nowadays that the influence is small

really want to shake things up, so many injury players this year (about 3 in each of my leagues)
feeon... I want your players... I am a fans of them
195# eqhigh
I am surprised that alston is FA whereas I did not notice before
first career triple double... can you save my team?
203# eqhigh

r-league 你岩岩嬴完9:0, 點同你打 (但9:0已經係過去式)
200# feeon
I did not question about him

in fact, for your first offer, I was interested to accept but found no one to drop at that moment (also not very interested in your second player)

you would fly sky high by keeping those two players now
I wish I can get nene in the trade

after the trade, deron's assist becomes more useless
while I was considering dunleavy for few mins, he has already been added

dun need him in this league, but the star league
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » Fantasy NBA League 2009 - 2010

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