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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 港男俱樂部 » HON, Superise =D
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本帖最後由 gn00987333 於 2009-12-24 02:58 PM 編輯
So you must be gn仔仔! =D HON had told me a lot about you! =D Why I can't respond at eariler? =o Did you help me to get rid of this? You're very smart! Thanks =D
RUBY_B 發表於 2009-12-24 02:45 PM
Yes,I am gn仔
Talk for the first time and you, it is essential that all is generally limited and removed
Uh? Queen? Is that any special meaning? =D I would like to know why you call Boyd 大wong? I can't find it out from MCC =P And what's the meaning of 積分解除? Should I pay for the respond just like mms ...
RUBY_B 發表於 2009-12-24 02:57 PM
you is we Queen Boyd is everything is admirable too,so do to us Big King
do mind of 積分解除,is go over this needn't pay the bill
you can hit 引用 at the lower left corner to response that person post
Triangel 發表於 2009-12-24 03:13 PM
Nth special~Chatting only
No need to   la
自由神 發表於 2009-12-24 04:38 PM
Thank you so much, Belibala =D I will do my best to take care of my sweetest hubby and hope can see you soon =)
RUBY_B 發表於 2009-12-26 02:30 PM
Gn仔仔, Happy Birthday! =D I need to catch the flight and need to leave, but I'm sure we will meet soon =)
RUBY_B 發表於 2009-12-26 02:40 PM
227# 自由神  

Frankly that's so sweet, I love this address since the 1st time when knew the meaing! =)
RUBY_B 發表於 2010-12-28 10:32 PM
你鍾意個稱呼就好啦,呢個稱呼先親到你係我地心中既地位啊 BOY SO
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 港男俱樂部 » HON, Superise =D

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