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我而家同#9都只差那5.5 games, 又如何稱得上岸...

如果我好似Sugo o甘樣我一定accept...

比多點時間我考慮考慮﹐ but feel free to 繼續搵你既買家。
Xtravagant 發表於 2011-1-29 05:20 AM
在你考慮時已差不多過了1 week,即是說他影響你的日子又短左,而我是沒法子找到比J-rich更好的替身,pp34有傷,Cap.J難trade,我出offer比艾生唔系唔得,系我唔想,佢一定會拆我三支鐵塔或是三大PG,到時我連揾食架餐都冇,還爭入乜野Playoff?
本帖最後由 Rated-R 於 2011-1-30 11:59 AM 編輯
I don't know... Have to see..... I hope Paul George can give me what my team lacks...
I think I will only make changes unless it is really necessary at the time being..
asurada001 發表於 2011-1-30 02:50 AM
對,真正強大的只有一隊,Sugo The Nexus,下星期是我的死期
I think Stewdaddy is better than my team.
RR, your team is not bad either....
asurada001 發表於 2011-1-30 12:29 PM
Within my team is full of suffering
今日EG的傷突然升格Day to Day,在這時出現了三隻狼:
小狼~Jenings For EG:若是數天前,這是令我感激的,我亦有作唯一考慮,結論是我不能夠下賭注在手術後的Jenings身上
土狼~Mayo For EG:水準之作,不予置評(若有人會出Jenings Trade 有潛力的十字軍,那麼我之前兑換Fieds一點也不過份,但你出一舊Fa貨我又何需理你?)
餓狼~Tyreke Evans,D.jordon + Matthews For Dar.Coli,Bargnani+EG:罷明車馬踼館加拆祠堂,我欣賞你的進取心
其實我尋晚係另一個league出左同一個offer(個league放棄assist, 所以好想放佢), 結果等到jennings復出一兩場, 就睇岩有potential o既e.gordon出offer

不過EG owner排緊第一, 有興趣+需要pg都冇accept到

我見佢話j ...
R-Star 發表於 2011-2-1 10:24 PM
『my partner』懇求你加些少賭注
what is the offer on the table?
R-Star 發表於 2011-2-2 12:00 AM
what is the price of bargnani?
I need to look into the whole package to consider him

Players not for sale:
p. gasol
josh smith
(gay - probably not)

Players I am interested:

P.S. I will consider all players if it is a good offer and help my teamPlayers ...
R-Star 發表於 2011-2-2 12:43 AM
我perfer EG+Bargnani
I am okay with the two players involved, you can send me offer

I have afflalo in all 3 leagues and gallo in 2 of my 3 leagues
I think I can let them go in one league if necessary
R-Star 發表於 2011-2-2 10:38 AM
I am okay with the two players involved, you can send me offer

I have afflalo in all 3 leagues and gallo in 2 of my 3 leagues
I think I can let them go in one league if necessary
R-Star 發表於 2011-2-2 10:38 AM
I think of a similar offer last night.. that is combining my first offer and this offer, but this 2v2 is not good enough if EG is not one month away

is EG still for sale?
R-Star 發表於 2011-2-3 09:52 PM
One gd news & One bd news
gd news is EG Still on the Market
bd news is EG Not equal Jennings
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » Fantasy NBA League 2010 - 2011

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