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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » Fantasy NBA League 2010 - 2011
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我不會出round 1 player換gay,這交易未免太................................
但我而家得物無所用,week week打少3個大將,下下靠odom,Zach,Curry等人取分,只會一路lose,我都唔知佢地幾時 ...
Rated-R 發表於 2010-11-10 10:56 PM
well, I mention base on gay but not straight deal

that is my first offer, please counter-offer to see which players you are interested in
今日放假兼冇人在屋企終於得閒,Beasley唔系換不到Boozer,但我冇可能接受Cousins 2 trade 1呢個offer,Cousins暫時完全冇能力挑戰DBT,只屬Bench級數,既然不是Starter,咁佢既價值只能同波波池D貨色差不多,所以~加碼la~ ...
Rated-R 發表於 2010-11-13 02:20 PM
I like your trade of curry for JJ & ibaka (I think eqhigh feels great for the trade too!)

I agree with your opinion on Cousins (at this stage).

What makes me hesistated on Boozer is because of what I see how Lee plays in GS this year. They are similar player with 20-10 potential, but Lee drops to 14-11 in a new system with new role this season.

For Boozer, he should work better than Lee (higher pts less reb), but the downside is less contribution in FT,STL,BLK that makes me feel hard to make any offer of 2v2 or 2v1.
I send one offer to you,look it pls,If you don't like,You can make the C-offer
Rated-R 發表於 2010-11-13 03:44 PM
your 2nd player is the same level as cousins

there is room for my first offer to improve, but the counter-offer is too much for me (3 players in same team, boozer's chemisty is an uncertainty)
One  new Offer was send to u
Rated-R 發表於 2010-11-13 04:44 PM
I am interested in Ibaka, or you are going to build a team around rondo and him?
haha, yup! quite interest in the trade~
will give a answer to you tmr~
eqhigh 發表於 2010-11-14 01:57 AM
I cancelled one offer for turner in another league (coz of his performance today), but forgot to cancel the one in EF league

turner is more droppable than cousins, now just hope he would stick in the starting lineup and pay-off

I like the batum trade much more
sorry, I don't know what to expect from flynn and turner yet
not going to make any moves at this moment

I am making some offers for gibson and now it turns out to be turner in which their consistency is a big difference
sorry reeves
After I woke up and saw Turner's preformance, I want to accept the offer immediately
However, I thought you may want to cancel the offer after you watch that also, so I wait and acce ...
eqhigh 發表於 2010-11-14 10:44 PM
that's okay
you already gave me a chance just I forgot to cancel, I will not veto it

on the plus side, he plays heavy minutes (against a good defensive team) despite of the suck performance

both cousins and turner are rookies and both of them are not going to battle for the ROY (I picked wall for ROY and I like his game!!!)
仲有兩個禮拜weekend冇得上網, 3個league都俾人追番
今個禮拜4-5, 4-4, 4-4, 最重要兩日冇得爭取多d分數
too early to drop hinrich, ridnour and lowry in my few leagues!
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » Fantasy NBA League 2010 - 2011

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