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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » Fantasy NBA League 2010 - 2011
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think it is a bit early to draft before the pre-season opener, esp. there are so many team changes this year... not familiar with each team's lineup and chemistry yet...
Rated-R 發表於 2010-10-4 04:08 PM
take goods from the bads
it is a good news that he got injury before the season opener instead of during regular season or playoff
Rated-R 發表於 2010-10-4 11:48 PM
11月先開league, 第1week對auto-draft o既tlkwan, bynum同oden都傷左

boozer對你o既影響都係 around 3weeks, 開league初期仲夠時間俾你build up隊波
omg I just realize I must goto dinner on the 9th of Oct... =.= I hope i can be back before 10:30 la~

Xtravagant 發表於 2010-10-7 12:41 AM
first few rounds are important as there are always surprising drafts
People are so high on Barganani that he will carry a heap of offense load without Hedo and Bosh... I think he's not the type of player who can carry his team on his own... therefore I do not expect  ...
Xtravagant 發表於 2010-10-7 10:46 AM
I am not "very" high on bargnani since he struggled when bosh got injury last season
however, he is still a solid mid-low round3 to round4 players

there is not many backup C at TOR that he will play heavy minutes, and he is healthy enough to provide versatile statistics

you can treat him as a mini-dirk
he should play better (practice without bosh during offseason) this season, and I expect him to have 19pts 7.5reb 1ast
1.5 3pts 1.8blk

despite of the focal offensive point, TOR has too many shooters that I project bargnani to improve more on defensive stats (reb & blk)

On the other hand, I can't say Number One drafted him too early but a nice pick. He already has too star PG, a C with 3pts is very good for him to build up a team (good PG & C) and 3pts are solidified
不同意,佢是有4個pg,但隨左CP3 & NASH叫我害怕外,其餘兩個只系拉雜成軍之流,而且CP3 & Nash並非那些常在外線放冷箭射3ps的pg,所以在3ps上根本幫不到太多Bargnani ...
Rated-R 發表於 2010-10-7 11:52 PM
如果頭兩round簽左兩個pg, 第三round唔簽pf/c就注定放棄reb/blk要打外圍, 連埋之後o既west,blatche我覺得頭5picks幾好, 之後o既9-14pick雖然唔係好好, 但平均一人一個3pts都應該夠嬴2/3人

至於pg, 個人對親兩個star pg都輸得好慘
有力一戰o既可能係sugo (rose,felton,parker,stuckey) 同你 (curry, rondo, brooks, ODOM)

有d期待nelson幾時break-out, 講都講左幾年
Rated-R 發表於 2010-10-8 02:25 PM
以前o既話, 對diaw同hedo o既助攻都幾有信心
但diaw唔知會唔會轉會, hedo打pf, e.gordon個人覺得幾one-dimensional, 用左一兩年e.gordon都唔係幾幫倒隊波
我分析King's今季只能每場給他around 20 min's甚至更少,就像近數場一樣,食之無味
Rated-R 發表於 2010-10-20 11:42 PM
仲記得上季因為冇c而想trade佢返黎攞個position flexibility, 點知owner點都唔放, 勁無奈


btw, 介唔介意講下點解curry放trading block?
fantasy-wise我覺得佢算幾好用 (唔計有冇over-rated)
我用左"咁多年"howard, 但今年連draft佢o既"機會"都冇

論健康, 能力, 穩定性, howard都好好用, 但偏偏用佢2-3年都好難trade/add倒人返黎輔助佢
Dropped Evan Turner for Toney Douglas. Good move? Turner reminds me of James Harden last year, high draft pick but sits on bench
Xtravagant 發表於 2010-10-23 10:20 PM
I don't think Toney is a proven guy despite of his recent break-out
NY still have mason, w.chandler to play that position, I wonder if the recent start of Toney is to showcase him for a trade

For Evan, I don't know much about him but finally figured out that he was a very all-arounded player during sch-life. If PHI plays small ball, Evan would definately stay on the court at the SG/SF position and provides 12-4-3 1stl which is not bad at 12 or 14 team league

I rate Evan higher than Toney
James Harden is another story since he will never get the minutes. Stebo will always start ahead of him due to his defense ability and James' performance would be too inconsistent to rely on (should be better this season though)
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » Fantasy NBA League 2010 - 2011

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