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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » Fantasy NBA League 2010 - 2011
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too surprised to see brooks being dropped!!!

I am targeting him in my leagues
houston fans do not like him since he did not pair well with Yao

but since Yao is out, I have faith on him (and scola) like last year

btw, is collison better than udrih?
rated-r... is any C for sale? (e.g. ibaka, chandler)
omg! Just checked your team, how come you only have Gasol and K.Brown?!
Xtravagant 發表於 2011-1-23 09:16 PM
dalembert, cousins, tyrus thomas, yao are all gone...

all C are in the hands of Ming, Rated-R, Eqhigh and Bobs

now can just hope k.brown can play better, or I can trade for a C soon
本帖最後由 R-Star 於 2011-1-24 11:14 PM 編輯
Rated-R 發表於 2011-1-24 07:28 PM
I know he will be back, just hope he will not have another setback
我點比個底你???我系有6個底,但只有3個有常規中鋒能力,Bargnani 他像中鋒嗎?,Greg Monroe & Hayes可靠嗎???
所以我必須擁着Boozer,Chandler,Ibaka三個自保,我擁有6個C屬實不得已 ...
Rated-R 發表於 2011-1-24 07:25 PM
I am interested in bargnani
I can trade to you!
你sell cousins比我果陣, 叫我drop左Frye, 但之後佢又打番起
除左Love之外其他都trade得, 同埋我想要個PG

同埋果陣個trade我都欠你太多, turner之後打到pat屎咁, 但cousins就打得幾好- -
eqhigh 發表於 2011-1-24 10:42 PM

都冇話邊個欠邊個, game黎姐, 你唔提我仲以為我係trade左l.williams返黎添 =.=

你個球員我之前都有諗過, 不過佢幫唔倒我隊波
My player list:
Jason Kidd (Dal - PG) Kirk Hinrich (Was - PG,SG) INJ Mike Bibby (Atl - PG) Andrei Kirilenko (Uta - SF,PF) Antawn Jamison (Cle - SF,PF) Landry Fields (NY - SG,SF) Brandon Bass (Orl - ...
tlkwan 發表於 2011-1-24 10:03 AM
obviously you must drop sefolosha for mohammad, hawes, turiaf, dalembert if you need a C

the next to be dropped is either krstic or outlaw
even it looks like my team has been 上岸, but i still feel my team have some holes to fix.....
asurada001 發表於 2011-1-30 12:30 AM
your team is really good, I dun think it is necessary to make any changes in this matchup
本帖最後由 R-Star 於 2011-2-1 10:25 PM 編輯
今日EG的傷突然升格Day to Day,在這時出現了三隻狼:
小狼~Jenings For EG:若是數天前,這是令我感激的,我亦有作唯一考慮,結論是我不能夠下賭注在手術後的Jenings身上
土狼~Mayo For EG:水準之作,不予置評(若有人會出J ...
Rated-R 發表於 2011-2-1 07:29 PM
其實我尋晚係另一個league出左同一個offer(個league放棄assist, 所以好想放佢), 結果等到jennings復出一兩場, 就睇岩有potential o既e.gordon出offer

不過EG owner排緊第一, 有興趣+需要pg都冇accept到

我見佢話jennings for EG好吸引, 所以就諗起可以出offer俾你

無幾耐就有news話EG day-to-day, 我都知trade倒佢o既機會不大
『my partner』懇求你加些少賭注
Rated-R 發表於 2011-2-1 11:44 PM
what is the offer on the table?
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » Fantasy NBA League 2010 - 2011

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