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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » Sports板板友互助互愛籃球教室2005
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Originally posted by crap at 2005-3-22 10:41 PM:

i did as well
bu ...
i know..ps2 of saint is coming..but i think i will wait for "the best version"
Originally posted by brightlee at 2005-3-22 10:43 PM:
yes, fifa is much more easier than Winning Eleven, if you know the tricks to win it.. than will win it 100%....
yes..when i play fifa..usually play half match i will now the method to score easily..and never lose after...
Originally posted by 月月鳥 at 2005-3-23 00:44:

u may be buy some old games
i was bought a new real game which cost $98 the day before
normally some new games for PS2 in here.. it's $98... but Australian dollars.. some are $70....
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
Originally posted by brightlee at 2005-3-22 22:48:

normally some new games for PS2 in here.. it's $98... but Australian dollars.. some are $70....
the number are closed to but the price are different
Originally posted by 月月鳥 at 2005-3-22 10:48 PM:
me too...i always think when i take my ps2 to the ppl  改機..i think they will replace my original parts for them to sell..and place some old parts in my ps2..then when my ps2 broken down i need to find them again to pay them money...
yes.. that's another reason i don't buy any PS/nintendo/sega/xbox game in here..
how could I spend on this?
by the way, Lego is cheaper in here, compare to HK... I mean, after the currency... so funny.
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
Originally posted by Asurada129 at 2005-3-22 10:51 PM:

me too...i always ...
no ar
it's just like taking away some dices inside the machine, and then u can play cheap games..
really nthg to worry about... mine last for 3 yrs already, still running smoothly(in most cases..)

and yes Brightlee... the games r $99.95 here.... that's crap man....
even more expensive than a pair of shoes..........
Originally posted by Asurada129 at 2005-3-22 22:51:

me too...i always ...
Originally posted by Asurada129 at 2005-3-22 10:46 PM:

i know..ps2 of saint is coming..but i think i will wait for "the best version"
what do u mean by the best version?
have u seen the advertisment of the game from PS2? that's GREAT!!!
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » Sports板板友互助互愛籃球教室2005

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