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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » Sports板板友互助互愛籃球教室2005
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Originally posted by brightlee at 2005-3-21 03:10 PM:
but I just reminding that... you should understand in Aussie, most of the Aussie would like to play offense and play dirty defense

so to win them...I believe.. that you should be training your team really hard that you won't get hurt when you get rebounds and block shots...
YES...u r definitely right.......
my friends who try to lay the ball up always end up flying onto the ground...............
and i got elbows in my face..............
they are just bulls........

but too bad that we dun hv much time to train in the gym...
Originally posted by mttfpuk at 2005-3-21 04:18 PM:
wa ... 對 D 死鬼好煩, 其實點守都冇用, 3 個入黎 强姦 reb 点頂, 除非你都有 3 個大隻嘅 6-4,5 高佬 la.

我都有係 UK D U 打過 league, 對 D 死鬼, 要針對弱點...
sure won't 唔ok la bro., the purpose of this topic is to 互助互愛 and help each other ma, i'm very happy that many brothers helped out

and u r right that facing 'ghosts' are tough...
just like bro. brightlee said we gotta be tougher..
and the points u made are very helpful, thx a lot
Originally posted by Asurada129 at 2005-3-21 05:21 PM:

No need Thanz...我們大家都係籃球愛好者,...但記住隊形,補位同聲勢缺一不可
1. 隊形...講出黎好似好土...
i super agree with u about formation ar, and not only on defense, it's also important when attacking ar, coz u gotta know ur roles, like doing picks, being the last gaurd and crashing boards..

and yes again, we should notice teamates about others movements, that's y we do that as well~

do u have a team or r u coach? u seems so pro. man

anyway, thx again
Originally posted by 月月鳥 at 2005-3-21 04:32 PM:

子張問行。子曰:「言忠 ...

Originally posted by 月月鳥 at 2005-3-21 08:15 PM:

相鼠有皮,人而無義,人而無義,不死何 ...
Originally posted by 月月鳥 at 2005-3-21 09:26 PM:
除了 :
定 ...
i see...
u r sooooo 好學.. i dun read books when i was young...
月月鳥should open himself a 文學區.......
wahahahaaa, thats really long time man..........
i just found my interest in CHinese history like 2 yrs ago, there's many thing to learn from it, it's great fun reading history...
but i think i'm just 1/10 as good as 月月鳥 in this category...........

cmon' 月月鳥, apply for a 文學區 la, i'll come to support!
not really old la, just like us, u r twenty sthg only~
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » Sports板板友互助互愛籃球教室2005

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