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was gone long time for the wkd (and 26fun's been crashing lately)

well...it's impossible to out jump those "ghost"
the big guys of yours must be able to boxout
they don't have to be one ones that grab the board
but they HAVE to boxout!!!
i think your SF have to come back and help as well

i totally agree with brother kyleung
need to fast break
whenever the ghost's shots are up
and looks like it's not going in
guards, start your engine
whoever gets the rebounds must locate the guards right the way and throw them a american football pass

even those your "big" ppl might not be good as inside score
yet they still have to try to post for a bit
for they must drew some defence on them
as soon as the double team comes
swing it out
make the extra passes
find the open man
then...good luck
coz if u guys don't play 5 on 5 often enough
your 3's are probably not gonna fall as many as u wished

- fast break if allow
if not
- post, look for give and go
- if not, then back in, drew double team, swing out, swing the ball to the oppsite side, open shot
  BAM!!! (dont' have to shoot 3's too much or even AT ALL)(i always tell my boys, GET IN YOUR RANGE!!!)

the ghosts probably gonna play zone D
if they do so
use high post (hard to master, but watch some tapes if u have to)

if man to man
try pick and roll
but my speicality is that...after your big man roll
often he'll drew the double team
get a guy in the corner
u have an open shot

if u wanna more
give us more info
i'm sure our brothers here are good enough to help you guys out
and go hunt those "ghosts" down
幻變奇兵 haha
MASK ar mar
i still have those
and 大犀牛???
of coz i remember
it's like one of the biggest cars u can get
come's with the "captain" (blonde guy with his red truck outfit) and that "chinese" asain guy at the back
大犀牛's tail can be seperate from the front truck part
and in the middle
it has the biggest missle you can find in 幻變奇兵

it's history lesson here

i'm also a TF fan (transformer)
i have quite abit of those
if i had kept the boxes and took betta care of them
i would have been very rich by now

anyway bro
good luck in your league
update with us

brother Hero3
Saint Saiya has a game coming out???
can u post the offical site???
so many brothers are from canada or been studying at canada
i was never a fan of that
coz we "chinese" dont' have the height for that
plus the big man (often Centre) always get left behide on offence
(for he's the last guy back on D)

having soccer guy on bball
just like nash
they are quick and fast
but they fouls alot (coz soccer contact and bball contact are diff.)

brother wai is right
u guys MUST box out
no matter how not use to or how much u guys don't want to
u simply HAVE to if u want to win
it's simply not a chinese sport
4get it
no matter how hard we try...
it's still a black sport...

white...power and shots
black...techique, speed, air
Originally posted by crap at 2005-3-22 02:29 PM:

here u go ...
oh nooooooo
it's 3D crap...
i hate when 2D stuff go 3D

plus i don't buy burned copies or D/L
can't get those in canada
(sometimes the english ones...but...they're all crap)

(haha, not brother "crap"s "crap")
if i'm in aust
i'll be more than willing to help
good like with that

abt that white, black, yellow talk
didn't mean to "cool water" anyone
but...it's facts...haha

i talk all the time

[ Last edited by herothree on 2005-4-8 at 03:12 AM ]
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » Sports板板友互助互愛籃球教室2005

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