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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 未拍拖o既人~"最"大原因?
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覺得 Gretzky 講得好好,小第有同感。但係 meet 唔 meet 到 D available 既好野,同時你又已經開佐曉,都幾講 Luck 既。D timing 唔夾著隨時令你飲狠一世。
) I1 O/ D2 K" e2 V% `% O% N, n5 W+ |# o; |% \+ Q" p+ R) b4 O
" Beauty of girls will depreciate as time goes by,  but their cleverness may made you happy for the whole life ! " <-------諗諗佢' S+ ?% F! P. e% i

( j: j$ m- Y; P+ n小第全力支持大家溝D有腦又可以支持大家快畏地生活既女人,只要個樣合格就得架啦9 U4 j( R, [( ]' O* }
/ e" r! ]) O3 P+ S  u3 R3 M3 m; G) ^
D貪慕虛榮又索既,都係有得扑就扑完算吧啦,無得扑都無乜損失! ( Because Opportunity Cost 好大架,隨時傾家盪產制唔過.... )* T% h' K0 |8 M" |3 d! W/ g

: Z8 C, Z9 g* g- e( c2 {+ D" b太空人偉哥話既 :"機會永遠留給有準備的人" , 未有女溝既兄第,你準備好未?
冇左? 唔開心係正常既,開心既話仲大獲呀,証明你無愛過。+ Y0 Y  ?, z) B, W; [
! h" f& l5 K0 h  ~$ ~4 W  n& ~
電池無電,咪掉佐佢籮 ! Keep 住都係無電架 + ]1 t( V* ~7 W4 B; Y! I! _

+ p$ I8 d' A8 L# t快D重新投入生活,識d新朋友會開心d價。有女就更加好,起碼有D機會同可能性。
0 d+ J: x$ V# @( K3 O/ t誤好諗禁多佢,無用價,要走既係佢,要反來既自然都係佢,你係無Say架。千奇誤好浪廢時間係D 唔值得既野上面。
7 ^* w4 }0 K( q* p
6 C" a/ G. G1 F. H1 ?She decided , she leave , you don't brother her , after she did the comparison , she will decide to come back or not. In this case she did the real comparison . If she returned wou will become more stable than before. If she didn't return, you already win the time in stepping your next step in your life.
) T6 `2 x- G0 G: E$ p  rShe decided, she leave, you contact her, she will have you as a reserve and will never did a real comparison as you never disappeared from her. This situation may last very long , one year , two year ....I can't tell ah. For my case , I waste 1 year and finally 想通了這四些。I hope my experience will be useful for you.
Agree ! Slow down and fcous. But somethimes there is big INERTIA for 比較被動的兄第。 Logically speaking , those active guy will start their new life and didn't need other's advice ( or ignore other's advice ) , for those passive guy , no matter what they say, actually they just want somebody listen and agree with his thoughts. So, I always emphasis the reasonability of actions in this situation , though myself still cannot take rational actions if my heart was frozen by her.
" b. @( t0 e% T5 w: C9 p% I# n) s2 C& ?
I would like to share the saddness of bros who 've just broken up, but honestly speaking, I can't help you , 你一定要堅d, 自己幫自己

Why don't you let her go ??

Originally posted by Rika at 2005-4-18 04:40 PM:
1 h; Q. F- M, z: @, f
$ v1 y+ j2 `2 \; d2 _# _1 C; l
- v3 o/ q& O8 t( Xwhat if she doesn't come back.. just let her go?
7 L# m- y, a; ]& w8 F3 {
7 b3 X' {' L" Z! D
If she decided , she want to leave, why don'y you let her go ?
0 ?& Y  j# B7 z! S' C( @
3 m2 T& \% ]; Q3 N: dA relation is established by BOTH parties, if she decided to go, then you can still go on loving her. I sometimes think the feeling of doing such kind of foolisg thing is quite good ! Feeling yourself as a great person to her, but please also think at her position , why did she choose to leave ?; y8 M& N* G4 U; |( n, z

- |" U3 i+ M% X* N  c. N0 U. cUsually, there are two reasons:
9 l$ F) r: O8 z1 J
7 C, F' V7 A. DFirst , they think you are not good enough AT THE MOMENT, 4 C9 `  n5 i% }  A2 z0 M
Second, they THINK someone is better than you,* Z: h' Z8 ?& v' ^6 D- Z& r: h3 ^

! `  Y6 y5 @* OThese two reasons is a truth in her point of view otherwise she won't choose to break up as no one want to have this happened in general.1 D# m  |, \3 C! @+ _

0 S4 j& x6 q9 `& l! r7 e+ q5 aRemember, you can be better than the current state, go and learn more different things to improve yourself is the solution to reason one, for reason two, it doesn't matter with your effort  6 a7 G9 F6 N1 N, ]+ ?* P9 L$ f
& @3 E- r9 ]9 t, x6 _
( k* _7 O$ t3 i8 O
4 M% g. U5 \1 |" v( ], N5 e8 q
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 未拍拖o既人~"最"大原因?

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