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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 相機版 » Sony VS Canon shutter lag
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Sony VS Canon shutter lag

For Canon:
The lens aperture hole is fully open all the time,
after autofocus, fully press the shutter button, Canon body open the shutter AND canon lens shrink
the aperture hole to the user setting in the SAME time.

For Sony:
The aperture hole is shrink to the user setting all the time. (due to real time video i.e. The aperture is not fully open all the time, Live View display - Setting Effect ON)
Depends on the user aperture setting, if the aperture hole shrink to too small, it will fully open the aperture hole during half press the shutter button for auto focus to work, (first lag!)
after auto focus, fully press the shutter button, Sony lens need to shrink the aperture hole again(second lag) before open the shutter to expose the scene.

BUT there is surprise, first lag and second lag is NOT presents in Sony system all the time!
It depends on the lens and the setting of aperture. For some Sony lens if the aperture hole is not shrink to too small, it can auto focus without fully open the aperture and shrink back again to take photo. During this situation, Sony is competitive or even faster than Canon!
Live View display - Setting Effect ON or OFF affect the Sony shutter lag and lens behavior
if it is set to off, sony will behave like a traditional dslr, the aperture will fully open all the time, there is no first lag as traditional dslr, but there is second lag as traditional dslr, the display is also not WYSIWYG.

Canon performance is consistent, Sony performance depends on the lens and the user aperture setting. Some Sony lens do not need to shrink the aperture hole during photo shoot as dslr, This behavior can eliminated the aperture hole resize lag which exist in all the dslr today and it can also prolong the lens aperture life.

The below contains some Sony lens testing data: (buy and sell the lens after test do cost)
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 相機版 » Sony VS Canon shutter lag

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