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Gabriel Heinze has lost his bid to force Manchester United to sell him to Liverpool.
The Argentina defender had gone to a Premier League panel claiming United had written a letter allowing him to leave if another club offered a fee of £6.8million.

The panel today dismissed Heinze's case and backed United, who maintained they made it clear to the 29-year-old both orally and in writing that he would not be permitted to join one of their title rivals.

It now appears that if Heinze is intent on leaving the club he will have to move abroad.

The Premier League said in a statement: 'The hearing concluded that nature and intention of the disputed 13 June 2007 letter, especially when taken in context of verbal filter-004ions and Manchester United FC's transfer policy, was unambiguous in that it envisages only an international transfer.

'Furthermore the hearing finds the letter constitutes an 'agreement to agree', and did not create an obligation or binding agreement for the club to transfer the player to any particular club.

'In other words the letter is evidence of an intention to negotiate, both between the parties and with potential buying clubs, and not evidence of any intention to create legal relations.'

Heinze does have the right to appeal to the Premier League appeals committee, which is made up of an independent, legally-qualified chairman, a member of the Premier League panel and a PFA appointee.

The decision has delighted United, who were represented by both manager Sir Alex Ferguson and chief executive David Gill at the hearing in London.

軒斯無得去利記...原來份野講到明只適用於國外球會~ 搏大霧!!!

卡域克繼續做夏格維斯正選下ge犧牲品, 踢到亂哂籠...
曼聯再簽唔到前鋒, 就搵維迪打啦, 後面里奧拍比基...
睇到泰維斯周圍撲, 得個桔真係慘!!! [/center]
Skysport 話蘇斯克查因膝傷決定退役.....


Manchester United favourite Ole Gunnar Solskjaer has retired due to a knee injury, according to Sky Sports News.

Solskjaer will be forever remembered in United folklore for scoring the dramatic winner in the UEFA Champions League final against Bayern Munich in 1999.

That goal was one of almost 130 he scored for The Red Devils after joining from Molde in a ?.5million transfer 11 years ago.

He made over 360 appearances for the club, but recent seasons have been blighted by injury.

The 34-year-old did maintain a level of fitness last season, scoring 11 goals as United won the title and reached the FA Cup final.

But he did not figure during the pre-season campaign after undergoing a knee operation over the summer.

This was expected to be his final season as a player at Old Trafford, but he has now decided to announce his retirement.

Solskjaer's decision to quit could prompt Sir Alex Ferguson to rethink his attacking options prior to the close of the transfer window.

Along with Wayne Rooney, Carlos Tevez and Louis Saha, Solskjaer was expected to form part of Ferguson's plans up front.

But the United manager may now require further reinforcements in attack, having been linked with Bolton Wanderers' forward Nicolas Anelka.
Originally posted by filter-052fans at 2007-8-28 10:56 AM:

佢唔只果球, 佢係一個神奇既射手!!


我記得早兩年佢傷左...好大機會無得再出果陣, 球會話會安排佢做球會親善大使...唔知依家仲有無呢個post俾佢呢!?
羅斯仔今晚響維拉利爾又入波, 今季第五個聯賽入球喇, 繼續踢好d, 有機會返黎架~
[center]今晚班曼聯球員好似開聖誕瘋狂大派對~ [/center]
Originally posted by babo at 2008-1-6 02:06 AM:

曼聯今晚要打醒十二分精神!!! 早D入波~ 唔好諗住入完就縮...快D攞多幾個保險球!!!!
原帖由 filter-052fans 於 2008-8-7 10:03 AM 發表

森遜已經借左出去, 夏格維斯又成日傷, 加利仔又未得...

尋晚對祖記, r da silva 都出左半場, 睇黎佢正式上位成功...

今季 f.campbell, evans, gibson同佢應該有好多機會証明自己, 加油! ...
仲有個巴西仔 Possebon, 連續兩場都俾機會出, 希望佢都快D適應~
原帖由 filter-052fans 於 2008-8-19 09:13 AM 發表

不過之前d報導話佢對曼聯無興趣, 要轉會都轉去皇馬或者西甲, 如果簽佢返黎, 怕第二時又多個養唔熟...

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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 【奧脫福茶餐廳】--- 再見C朗,野獸出走...

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