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how come the field condition is so bad....it's like playing on a farming field~~~~~
原帖由 eqhigh 於 2009-7-20 10:41 PM 發表

coz the goalkeeper hit his injured ear~~~that bumping was absolutely crazy~~~even Evra is also the strongest in Malaysian Team....

and both flanks' crossing is pretty poor in quality...
原帖由 kakeidevil 於 2009-7-21 09:51 AM 發表

咁你覺得前面擺 R10+B9, 定 10+O7 好呢?

我淨係睇左入果兩球, 之後冇睇

唸起曼聯既新一代真係興奮: ...
I prefer R10+O7...
that's the combination that love the most....not because of the nationality, it's because of R10....

this is the only pair that can 100% unleash R10..with B9 on the field, R10 has to go to flanks or the most up front....but partnering with o7, R10 can stay a little behind of him, just what he does in England natinoal team....and their his most comfortable position on the field~~~
as we all know long-pass then heading set to sides is not man Utd's strongest tactics...
sending ball to both flanks and fast break are our strength~~with B9 on the field, although the team tempo may be slowed down a bit, but he can do setting...and this has to sacrifice R10~~~

yeh...i'm so looking forward to new generation~~~hopefully this is not a copy of Arsenal~~~~like all the kids are very promising...but they are all ended up being sold or just only played as a bench warmer in the team~~hopefully they all can step up a bit this season, especially A8...he is yet to score a single goal to man Utd in all matches...not even in friendly~~~~~~like what B7 did the in the past~~~
尋晚聯賽杯巴西大細孖同時正選, 而後備名單內, evans 細佬 corry evans 亦榜上有名,令我想起一樣野, 唔知係咪曼聯收生既時候故意, 自從neville兄弟成功之後, 曼聯愈來愈多兄弟...

neville兄弟, da silva兄弟, evan ...
filter-052fans 發表於 2009-10-28 11:49 AM
it's unlikely la coz except Michael keane, they are ALL defenders...

yesterday night was interesting...Rafael played at central midfielder...partnering with Andersen, the effect wasnt too bad..and Obertan, guess he will get his first team chance soon...

please dont place O'Shea at RB if Rafael is recovered!!!!even Captain Neville is even a better choice even at 34~~

Does anyone know whether Gibson was injured or what....I expected him last night...but he wasnt on the bench at all...if he wasnt injured...that's a sign to kick him out...which is bad...as he's quite promising he improved pretty alot last two yrs...he's Fletcher no.2 but with powerful long shots~~

this is latest Adem Ljajic's footage..seem he is transformed from a side midfielder to central attacking midfielder...like the type what Man UTd is exactly looking for....considering he's only 17~~~it's pretty promising~~

btw, this footage is Partizen Vs Shaktah in Eurepa SUper League
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 【奧脫福茶餐廳】--- 再見C朗,野獸出走...

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