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Originally posted by filter-052fans at 2007-8-16 16:07:

雲佬係高, 不過佢成個打法同佢身...
But one thing I don't understand why C Ronaldo did the same mistakes again!
Steve Bennett, who is one of the straight referees in Premier League, he got no hesitation to send off C Ronaldo. As C Ronaldo should learn his stupid experience 2 years ago (or 3 years ago) vs Man City, he was trying to do stupid/violent tackle to Andrew Cole. Steve Bennett, who   was the referee on that game, was standing 5 yards of that incident. Even that's no contact between C Ronaldo and A Cole. Steve Bennett still gave him a straight RED. I think that's right decision as I am standing the view of referee. Also it's showing he'd be a straight referee. Why  C Ronaldo didn't learn the story last time?   
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Originally posted by 處處吻 at 2007-8-16 23:50:


I didn't watch the match between Portsmouth vs Man Utd, so I won't make any comments in there.

But for the Man City vs Man Utd, I remember Steve was doing a great job in that game.. again, please notice, I am standing as referee's point of view.. actually I am not a fans for any team now...

(maybe I am referee now, so can't be bias

We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
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Originally posted by kakeidevil at 2007-11-14 23:44:

Paul Scholes will be out until Jan next year
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
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Sorry, Arsenal won 4-1 ......

By the way.. yes, I agree the turning point is C Ronaldo missed that penalty..

If he could have scored.. the game was over.
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
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also.... you should agree that West Ham United played extremely well for this game....
be honest, after C Ronaldo missed that penalty, you should know West Ham could get a chance to win..........
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Originally posted by arthur8088 at 2008-4-10 20:56:

but it's lovely to see Silver...
i love your post talking about why Arsenal got knock out in Champions League
1 thing you may forget, Sir Alex blamed referee, trust me.

He blamed Steve Bennett after Portsmouth vs Man Utd this season. He forced FA that he didn't want Steve Bennett would be incharge any Man Utd any more as he thought Steve was wrongly sending off C. Ronaldo Twice

I watched both incidents and Steve Bennett did the right job to send off C Ronaldo. I got no idea why Sir Alex blamed someone who did the right job.
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Originally posted by arthur8088 at 2008-4-11 02:24:

thnx brightlee~~:cheers...
That's why when Man Utd vs Liverpool, Sir Alex knew Steve Bennett was the referee in that game. He should talk something seriously to his players before the game, to alert them, 'don't try to cheat the referee"
Every time when Man Utd got a foul in that game, Man Utd's players just never argue with referee and walked away.

It'd be funny picture if we compare to any Man Utd's player to Javier.

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Originally posted by filter-052fans at 2008-4-11 12:39:

係呀, 係馬斯查蘭奴先咁on居, 明...
You know I am referee, I feel shamed for these 2 referee that they were failed to do their jobs. The second referee was still "reasonable" although I know he should run in better position, he was in the wrong position at that moment. (*We got our own training, 1 of major things we train a lot is, running in left side of the ball anytime)
But the first game, that Dutch referee is kind of unforgivable. As his head, the head of Dutch Referee Association, said that incident, it could be accepted in his level. I got training with my referees friends on that night after Arsenal vs Liverpool. All of us felt that’d be stupid mistake for that referee.
Yes, we can’t do 100% right, I referee some matches and made some terrible mistakes. But these mistakes in their levels, it’d be kind of unacceptable, especially for the first one.

[ Last edited by brightlee on 2008-4-11 at 11:10 PM ]
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
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Originally posted by filter-052fans at 2008-4-12 12:09:

你要知道香港好多人, 足球知識係...
Sorry, I was really busy about refereeing in local league and church league in weekends *refereeing for 7 hours in total........

Of cos in someway I would like to get some new technology to help me during all incidents~~~~!!

But there'd be a major problems for new technology... it'd take a lot of time to review that incident.... think about it.. every incidents -- they may take 30s or 1 mins to review it -- that will block the influence of any soccer game -- think deeply..... how long for Man Utd scored 2 goals in Champions League vs Bayern in 1999?
If there'd be video technology will be involving in there.. there will be in deep troubles!
There will be ................. 2 and 1/2 hours for each single game .. you and I will fall asleep...

Maybe there'd be another good idea is.. there will be 4 Assistant Referees and 1 Referee on the pitch to solve the problems which we see it --- especially all the incidents for Arsenal lately
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Originally posted by filter-052fans at 2008-4-14 20:20:

但我個提議唔係攝影機係總球証, ...
Truth -- and that's why I really don't want to add VIDEO replay in refereeing...
It'd be not only wasting a lot of time.. think about 30 seconds for 1 replay .....
So if there'd be 2 arguments and need to be replayed by video.. there'd be extra 1 mins....
do you want to see 5 mins extra time in each half? I bet no one wants to see that except special situation -- for example, like Da Silva case.
and the players won't respect decision of referees --- you may never be referee before.. if you referee a REAL GAME.... you may think.....

really scary on the field
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
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