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娛樂滿紛 26FUN» 吹水版 » 【每日一篇好文區】 » 意見區
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bro . crap
do u think it is necessary to open up a new area/board  just for novel? as many novel flooded this board, and i can see more of them are on their way here.
I enjoy reading these novels but some how, i feel  每日一篇好文區 lost the original meaning due to these novels. Thx

[ Last edited by jublio on 2005-5-25 at 01:52 AM ]
Bro Crap,
Actually I do not think the "novel era" would end in a short time. 衛斯理 have more than 100+ book, even they finish posting 衛斯理 & 金庸, there are still many 原振俠,古龍,黃易,亦舒 etc......
Another thing is, if u do not  置頂 these novels, such as those 衛斯理 & 金庸,they are going to sink very fast and hardly come back to 1st page again as there are very little chance of ppl reply to those topic.  so may b the new members  hardly know the existence of these topic when they are pushed to page 10+. Also wasted the hard work of the posters.

If u dont want to open a new board for these novel, please consider the following idea:
have a 置頂 topic, let people post the link of these novel.
such as
金庸經典武俠小說全集  http://www.csn23.com/fiction/
倪匡科幻作品集 :http://www.millionbook.net/kh/n/nikuang/index.html
dont u think it is much more organise this way, and more easy to look for?

Just a little suggestion.
小弟才疏學淺, 請指教

[ Last edited by jublio on 2005-5-27 at 08:56 AM ]
nah... not your 英語表達能力差, is just I misunderstood you in #10, stupid me
Originally posted by jennifer at 2005-5-27 14:26:

一開始加60-150分之多,本人亦覺得已遠遠超越鼓勵或讚揚之原意,使人覺得這些小說的貢獻有點言過其實之感. 亦有點厚此薄彼.. 本人卻是認為名著小說易找,好文難求



小說對於此區之發展方向是好是壞,我想還可先按版主之意思進行,之後再慢慢加以觀察再作定論,但 Jennifer 確是道出些精要之處

[ Last edited by jublio on 2005-5-27 at 04:11 PM ]
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN» 吹水版 » 【每日一篇好文區】 » 意見區

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