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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 巴士一談[00+][積極回應會員+]
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Originally posted by man2535 at 2005-5-15 01:17 AM:
0 b; z0 ]& h+ h4 {* e, t: G) ~我覺得夜晚坐冇冷氣既巴士行郊區地方好舒服!
1 g# J" W! u+ |, v; x( l, C$ R, [  z

# k# X' U0 p" |( rAmen to that above!
3 H/ o' q' w) ?* H4 l$ t& G- f4 V, y. n
To be honest, I hated the new air-condition bus. The breeze from an open window is nothing compare to the cold, smelly air-condition.
5 A6 X/ Z1 y: S8 s
4 y1 ^) x" L; D" [" lIf I am in a hurry, I'd drive or take the MTR. But when I get a chance to take the bus, I rather pick the old ones. There aren't many non-air conditioned buses around since CMB was
- T5 c1 h1 C3 d* {1 X'demolished' a few years back. But my heart would fill with joy when I take the #7 line (from TST Ferry Terminal to Lok Fu) on the old buses. I think this is one of the few lines that retain the usage of the old buses. And believe me, crusing on Waterloo road on a Sunday morning....sitting on the top floor with the windows open is one of th rare treats you can get in HK!
6 ^8 |0 w3 b8 m( r
4 s" Z" h' M6 I5 tI was so lucky to be in those buses for a fews years when I go to work. To the same degree, I love the trams too.; I, Q9 _7 Y: J5 @. @2 `9 T# A* x

( _2 C6 b9 U* Y8 K' O: [6 e) q0 WBelow is one of my personal favourite....I used take that to Ocean Park when I was a kid.

經典 008.jpg

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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 巴士一談[00+][積極回應會員+]

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