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Giggs And Howard Agree New Deals

Giggs And Howard Agree New Deals

Manchester United is delighted to announce that it has agreed terms with Ryan Giggs and Tim Howard of a further two years to their current contracts.

This will keep Ryan and Tim at the club until June 2008 and June 2009 respectively.

Sir Alex Ferguson said: "Ryan has been a fantastic servant and it is comforting to know that he will be here for another three years, possibly ending his career at United.

"To think Ryan joined as a 13-year-old boy and to be at a club for twenty years is unique in this era."

"Tim is a young gifted goalkeeper who is progressing all the time and needs experience playing in our league. This extended contract gives Tim the opportunity to progress in his career."

Ryan Giggs said: "I have been here since I was a young boy and I have grown very fond of the club and the fans, they have been an integral part of my life.

"I always wanted to stay and I am happy that everything has worked out."

Tim Howard said: "I have enjoyed my time so far with Manchester United, but you recognise you are always learning.
"The fans here are amazing and I am happy to be committing my future to the club. I look forward to enjoying a successful time with United."

Hoo HOO~~~They have finally signed a new deal.Rio Ferdinand and C.Ronaldo are the only stars who havent signed a new deal with Man U.

To be frank, do u think rio and ronaldo will sign a new deal with Man U after Glazer has privated Man U??

[ Last edited by arthur8088 on 2005-5-16 at 06:34 PM ]
Originally posted by arthur8088 at 2005-5-16 06:29 PM:
Hoo HOO~~~They have finally signed a new deal.Rio Ferdinand and C.Ronaldo are the only stars who havent signed a new deal with Man U.

To be frank, do u think rio and ronaldo will sign a new deal with Man U after Glazer has privated Man U??
C.Ronaldo 機會大D
Rio Ferdinand 就唔夠膽講
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » Giggs And Howard Agree New Deals

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