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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 閒情逸誌 » 最鍾意嘅旅遊地點, 最難忘嘅旅遊經歷[積極回應者+]
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I spent 10 days at Siam Reap (Angkor Wat) and saw the most amazing temples! My motorbike guide took me on an excursion trip (2 hrs bike) to a local village. The local people have no idea what the world is like outside of their community.

Khmers are friendly people. It was not like any typical holiday getaway (to Thailand or Bali) but I learnt a lot from these people....hospitality, humility and kindness.

[ Last edited by Gretzky on 2005-5-26 at 12:43 AM ]

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A sharing would not be complete without photos....

To Lok:

A "lonely planet" board could composite of:
a) Recommendation of traval spots
b) After-trip sharing/photos
c) Tips for tourist 'duckie' groups and for backpackers (i.e, quality of duckie groups, good hotels and must see spots)
d) Travel advisories on latest developments.
e) Literature/website recommended for specific regions

It's also good to utilize the diversity of the members here. I noticed quite a few of us are stationed outside HK (myself included) and have travel extensively beyond our normal destination spots (Japan, Thailand). Their input is invaluable.

[ Last edited by Gretzky on 2005-5-26 at 12:51 AM ]

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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 閒情逸誌 » 最鍾意嘅旅遊地點, 最難忘嘅旅遊經歷[積極回應者+]

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