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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 音樂空間 » [六四音樂加分題]【紀念六四民運歌曲】
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I get this 2 songs in my PC.
great songs..
we should remember tonight
actually, in 16 years ago, 3/6.... @9pm Beijing time......
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
I get it!
do u have MSN?!
cos I don't have link version.
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
Originally posted by DrChik at 2005-6-3 20:41:

我記得, 六月四日是不用上課...
I remember what's happened on 3/6, that's a Saturday night, a hot night
I was watching TV with Dad, with WC Qualify between England vs Poland
After England scored their 2 second goal (in ATV)
the cut the live match.
Then they showed a map in Beijing.
Then NO ONE was speaking up more than 2 mins.

Then the reporter told the military moved in the city.

I remember my mum was questioning "is this truth?" then turn on TVB to check out.
TVB didn't show anything for 30 mins.

I still remember The Third goal (if my memory was right, there should be John Barnes scored it) was broadcasting by replay due to there was news on that moment.

That night, no one could goto sleep.......... and everyone was watching TV by hours and..

the School day should be on 5/6, not 4/6 (cos that's Sunday)
I remmeber after I went to school, government told there would be any classes on that day due to political reasons.

I remember I finished school at 8.45, I didn't know how bad for the situation was in HK.
I was going to Mong Kok, took an air cond Leyland Olympain 11m (the prototype one, AL1, DX2453, at that time, they were testing how good for air-cond bus was)

I still remember the people in that bus, told me that.. "please go home, it's dangerous"

That's like a deadcity in HK,
this is the first time I saw, no one was walking in HK.
The city was completely silent!

I didn't goto any ceremony at that time.
but I keep this in my heart.

This is the day we WON'T FORGET!

And the people who were passed away in there, May GOD Bless them, and Healing their relatives.
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
This is the day we'll never forget it.
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
Originally posted by DrChik at 2005-6-4 01:40:

So we are blessed!!
We need to be strong and teach others (kids) how bad for .. doing silly things...
and let them to know, we are blessed as we get so many freedom to do many things we like to do it now.
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
Chinese version:
我仲記得6月3日發生o左咩事﹐o個個係一個星期六ge 夜晚﹐非常炎熱我同我爸爸一齊睇緊電視﹐係一場世界盃外圍賽英國對波蘭當英國入o左佢o地ge 第二球之後( ATV 台) 佢o地就cut o左現場轉播之後佢o地show o左一個北京ge地圖。兩分幾鐘之後都係冇人講o野。
之後個記者話軍隊已經入o左城市…我仲記得我媽媽懷疑呢樣o野係咪真? 於是佢扭o左去TVB 睇睇TVB 30 分鐘咁耐﹐乜都唔SHOW 出黎o個陣時﹐

因為北京新聞的直播,而當時有第三個入球( 如果我冇記錯﹐應該係John Barnes  得ge 個分… ) , 所以惟有遲d再重播佢…o個晚﹐冇人訓得著覺……… 每個人都不斷咁睇電視…6/5號o個日冇得返學﹐(4/6 係星期日)我仲記得返o左學之後﹐政府話因為政治問題﹐冇得上堂住我仲記得我o係8:45分放學ge,

我完全唔知道o係度香港ge 情況有幾壞
我去緊旺角﹐搭o左架全港第一架冷氣巴士Leyland Olympain 11m ( 標準型﹐AL1 , DX2453,呢個時候佢o地測試緊冷氣巴士有幾好)我仲記得巴士入面d 人﹐話我知: "好危險ga ﹐唔該你快d 返屋企la!!"

香港成個死寂ge 城市咁我係第一次見到, 冇人o係香港條街度行緊個城市完全係沉寂ge

o個d o係o個度過o左身ge 人﹐希望上帝保佑佢o地﹐而且會治癒佢o地親人ge傷痛
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 音樂空間 » [六四音樂加分題]【紀念六四民運歌曲】

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