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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 俾機會你親口同神講聲多謝,你會多謝咩呢?[積極回應+]
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我好簡單﹐就係感謝主。9 r6 C) S" m8 \
Originally posted by JCer at 2005-6-4 02:15 AM:( Q8 G) O5 H" _
' @6 F- P2 s' m1 \' c
! z" |' T* B$ {) V如果我係唔信神既, 但我係一個好人, 咁我可唔可以上天堂呢?
6 k2 W3 H( ?, D1 h希望有關人士可以答我
  `. O# g  u! @% N9 `8 t我講既野可能會令到一D基督教信徒憤怒﹐但我都講。5 x  j. q; F6 h7 `* U2 r( H+ M9 ]
我覺得信仰全是個人喜好﹐信不信由你。‘信’不待表信﹐‘不信’不代表不信﹐明白嗎﹖好多信教既人o係背後做好多違背良心既事﹐但仍然係一個虔誠既教徒﹐心入面一路諗主升天堂﹐仲以為信者得救就可代表一齊﹐做咩都得。% C$ a# f$ J* d! G# h# s  y
! c" l$ R, r7 ~; G$ ?0 e! \
Originally posted by 阿細 at 2005-6-4 04:28 AM:
- T6 ^) `" _+ ]/ Z8 s, s. |0 o4 v* l
0 S8 H  U, d0 C$ x/ z
* }% q; R0 X% W- ]2 u$ l$ `1 f# V" W0 m! ]. q8 g, T
Originally posted by singgeihot at 2005-6-4 12:13 PM:, J  L- _8 A4 ~2 ]

. E+ X. V" a# U) `! ]7 ~( g+ A- d+ s$ ~) I9 d4 \
Are you sure that there was no innocent christian that had died from the Tsunami??
7 Y  \( z# E9 z' ]
sing sing, from a christian's point of view, dying is a way to reach heaven faster, they like dying more than anyone does. no kidding.
Originally posted by singgeihot at 2005-6-4 12:21 PM:
  J+ w: S/ m& N5 f
0 P  Y# _, H) `' ^* ]7 a, A. c: ]  V; X6 S6 K
For sure we'll never know his purpose. But this is something that he had done, or could have prevented if he does exist.
0 }0 o1 N0 `1 w7 L' T
God arranged the Tsunami on purpose, so he had no intention of preventing it. The occurence of disasters serve the purpose of prophecy, they are there to tell us (everyone) that we have been doing too many bad things lately, and if we keep on doing it, God will bring this world to an end. <---- no scientific theory, just what the priest says
Originally posted by rest365days at 2005-6-4 12:52 PM:
. p% x0 U- C9 ?: c# Q& ?; \  m1 J" p& z3 P) [
, }7 U* V  ^, O
oh really?  i don't think in th...
. N3 X+ X# \% H" ^# R3 {* c$ W+ F: w
i am not generalizing, christians take pride of dying. (i might be stereotyping though)heaven is their eternal home and they believe that doing good things and going to church will gain them points. when they die, they feel proud because they know that they have gained enough points to die. they are also not afraid of dying, becasue they know that God will hold their hands and lead them the way. it's an ultimate thing that every christian wants to reach, i hv nothing against the idea, in fact it's pretty sweet. i just dont like the way they force me into christianity when i hv been a catholic for the past 20 years.
- @3 l' F# a/ |) S  y) {4 W( g8 I7 J( t  \* `
[ Last edited by vivienna on 2005-6-4 at 01:11 PM ]
Originally posted by singgeihot at 2005-6-4 12:58 PM:
4 W- [) j+ W, W  |- t( @
3 h- L9 M; i# _" r$ V
# u5 W& {! y) m6 j! H& {# yv妹, honestly, May their God be with them then....
" x$ W  M5 M+ i' E- Z( H& J1 ?who knows? 4 U2 [: I% L: t4 x9 y) j+ z' m! I
it's a BELIEF. and they want everybody to believe.
Originally posted by 良友 at 2005-6-4 01:10 PM:
: z" a9 K& {" P- a# X/ |
7 |7 H: N5 u# b, v; V% pnonono,唔信耶穌就要落地獄架喇,好慘的
) j1 V8 G8 S- W; P. w, X' e
Originally posted by singgeihot at 2005-6-4 01:18 PM:
: j9 T' N+ M" d8 Y) b- N  r% ]" S" K3 O9 Z) e- ?

/ z+ `- \* ], t! c雖然無乜 Principle, 但好 flexible 喎,
( X) t: I' L0 ]" ^* oBenedict XVI 要搶客就要学吓喇
- A, R. g  p9 dBenedict 係天主教﹐唔係基督教。' B! B1 k1 D1 J
John Paul o係距任內就實行左‘神父唔可以結婚’尼一樣野。1 |0 y( g4 R( i' }  R  k% N
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 俾機會你親口同神講聲多謝,你會多謝咩呢?[積極回應+]

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