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水上芭蕾 (大陸稱花樣游泳)





  與各種基本姿勢連接構成一個完整的花樣動作。包括轉體、旋轉、海豚式、芭蕾舉腿、放下芭蕾腿、 "卡塔裏納" 轉動、反"卡塔裏納"轉動、上拱成仰浮、越步共9種基本動作。




  共有56個動作。各種動作均呈以芭蕾腿姿勢開始。以 "1" 為排頭數字組成代號。難度係數最低1.5,最高2.3。


  共有36個動作。各種動作均呈頭向 (腳向) 海豚姿勢開始。以 "2" 為排頭數字組成代號。難度係數最低1.5,最高2.4。


  共有68個動作。各種動作均以屈體團身姿勢開始,以 "3" 為排頭數字組成代號。難度係數最低 1.1 ,最高 2.3 。


  共有25個動作。各種動作均以仰臥或俯臥姿勢開始,以 "4" 為排頭數字組成代號。難度係數最低1.5,最高2.3。


  主要目的是保護球門不被攻破和轉守為攻﹔要積極封堵罰球區附近的射門點﹐不給對方空隙和射門機會﹐同時努力拼搶﹐把球奪回來。為此﹐應遵循以下一些主要戰術原則﹕積極防禦﹐以多防少﹔保持斜線防守﹐嚴格保護﹑補位﹔對持球人和離球近的人要緊逼盯死﹐對離球遠的人則要鬆動﹐做到防裡線﹐讓外線﹐防身後﹐讓身前﹔由攻轉守時﹐離球近的人要積極封堵對手的第 1傳﹐延緩推進速度﹐其餘的人迅速回防﹐形成縱深防守線等。


  是19世紀中期英國人創造的最初階段的戰術陣型。以後由於越位規則的產生(當時規定的「越位」﹐是指進攻隊從後面向位於對方場區的本方無球隊員傳球的剎那間﹐這個隊員與對方端線之間的場地內﹐防守隊員少於 3人)和技術水平的提高﹐開始增加後衛人員。於是出現了第2 個比賽陣型﹐即1870年英國人的「7鋒3衛」式。同年﹐蘇格蘭人又創造了「6鋒4衛」式。並逐漸有了位置分工﹑專門職責。(圖見足球戰術)

  1925年越位規則將防守隊員少於3人改為少於2人﹐使場上進攻力量強於防守力量﹐1930年﹐英國人H.查普曼創造了分工明確﹑攻守力量平衡的「W.M”式陣型﹐使前鋒﹑前衛﹑後衛之間保持著距離相等而聯繫緊密的三角配合。尤其是 3名後衛既有明確的防守區域﹐又有主要的看守對象。這個陣型曾風行於世﹐直到50年代。(圖見足球戰術)

  這是 50年代初﹐匈牙利足球隊在「W.M」陣型的基礎上﹐為了突破3後衛的防線﹐進攻時使中鋒後撤﹑2內鋒突到前面﹐而形成了4個前鋒﹐稱為「4前鋒」式。

  50年代後期﹐巴西足球隊吸取「4前鋒」式的優點﹐把中鋒拉回來擔任前衛﹐而把1個前衛拉回到後衛線上擔任中衛﹐形成了「 4-2-4」式(圖見足球戰術)﹐這個新陣型比「W.M」式和「 4前鋒」式的層次減少了﹐加快了推進速度﹐對運動員的要求更高了。在「4-2-4」式中﹐2個前衛難以控制中場﹐承擔既攻又守的雙重職責。為了加強中場力量﹐撤回1個內鋒到中場擔任前衛﹐而形成了「4-3-3」式(圖見足球戰術)﹐有時為了加強防守﹐從3個前鋒中撤回1個擔任前衛﹐於是形成了「4-4-2」式。這是進入60年代以後出現的陣型。

  這種70年代開始流行的陣型﹐是從「4-3-3」式中拉回 1個中衛成為「自由人」﹐3個後衛盯住 3個前鋒﹐「自由人」在後面保護﹑補位﹐也可以伺機插上﹐參加進攻。「自由人」是全隊防守的核心人物和場上作戰的指揮者﹐應具備全面比賽的能力。




1. 快速反擊戰術﹕
是近幾年最盛行的一種進攻戰術。當全隊快速收縮半場防守或當甲方壓著乙方打時﹐乙方搶斷球後﹐通過簡捷的中﹑長傳遞﹐或2~3人的快速短傳配合以及個人帶球突破等手段﹐迅速推到前場﹐威脅甲方球門。這種戰術威脅大﹑效果好。發動快速反擊的主要時機是在守門員接到球後﹑後場定位球後或搶斷球後﹐而以搶斷球後的發動﹐效果最好。防守快速反擊戰術的辦法﹐主要是離球最近的隊員﹐阻礙或破壞對方快攻的第 1傳﹐其他隊員快速回防到位﹐當形成1對1的局面時﹐要以堵截﹑且退且戰來延緩對方進攻時間﹐爭取同伴回防。

2. 逐步進攻戰術﹕

3. 攻破密集防守戰術﹕


1. 局部進攻戰術﹕
主要是 2~3人的進攻配合。當出現以多打少或攻守人數相等的局面時﹐應快速突然的拉空插空﹐抓住防守中的破綻﹐果斷攻擊。當出現以少攻多時﹐如果快攻不成﹐則應在護住球的前提下﹐伺機進攻。

2. 局部防守戰術﹕

3. 特殊攻守戰術﹕

4. 定位球攻守戰術﹕




P - R S T
U V W - -



approach shot 上網球
attacking return 攻擊性回擊球
asphalt courts 瀝青球場
advantage 領先
alternate service 換發球
alley 單打與雙打之間的場區
all 平(比分相同)



back-hand 反手擊球
back-hand volley 反手截擊
back-hand half-volly 反手半截擊
back-hand drop shot 反手放放球
ball 網球
ball sense 網感
ball control 控球技術
blocked return 堵截回擊球
bodyline ball 貼身球
base line 底線
ball boy 拾球員
ball change 換球
bye 比賽輪空
be quiet 安靜



chip shot 削球
cement courts 三合土球場
clay courts 泥球球場
centre mark 中點
consistency 穩定性
court surfaces 場地表面
cross-court shot 斜線球
change sides 交換
championship 錦標賽
champion 冠軍
correction 更正
chair-umpire 主裁判



doubles 雙打
double-handed backhand 雙手反手擊球
drop shot 短球
depth shot 打深度球
down-the-line shot 落底線球
driven return 抽擊回擊球
duce 平分
double hit 在一次揮拍中球碰撞球拍兩次
double fault 發球雙錯誤
double bounces 球彈地兩次
default 棄權
disqualiy 取消比賽資格
double elimination tournament 雙打淘汰賽



event begins 賽事開始
etnaer service line 中線
exhibition 表演賽
eastern forehand 東方式正手



forehand 正手
forehand volley 正手截擊球
forehand half-volley 正手半截擊球
footwork 步法
foot fault 腳部犯規
faults  失誤
fitness 狀態
first service 第一發球
follow-through 跟進動作
foul shot 技術犯規
fifteen 15
fourty 40



grip 握拍姿勢
grass courts 草地球場
grab-punch position 截擊位置
ground stroke 彈地球
game 盤
good ball 好球
good return 有效回擊



half-volley 半截擊球
hitting the ball 擊球
hand signal 手勢
hindrance 妨礙



interference 干擾



just out 剛好出界



knock-out 淘汰賽



lob 高吊球
low volley 低截擊球
let 發球時球觸網
love 0分
linesman 視線員



mental skills 心理狀態
mixed 混雙
make the draw 抽籤



net 球網
net-post 網柱
net-cord judge 球網裁判員
no-man's-land 真空地帶
not up 球在地上彈跳兩次



over-grips 護柄帶
out 出界
overhead 高球
overhand service 上手發球



partner 伙伴
player 參賽者
passing shot 超越球
percentage play 沉著應戰
place-up 拋球
point-up 指著球
progressive playing 改善打法
postpone 延期
permanent fixtures 場上的固定物



racket 網球拍
rallies 連續
ready position 預備位置
receiver 接發球員
receiving formation 接發球的位置
return 回擊球
rules 規則
referee 裁判
round robin tournament 循環賽
ranking 名次



service 發球
service return 回發球
shots 球路
spin 旋轉球
sidespin 側旋轉球
slice service 削發球
smash 扣殺球
split-stepping 分開兩腳站立
stamina 耐力
stance 站姿
stretching exercisees 伸展運動
strings 球拍線
surprise return 突然的回擊
swing 揮拍
second service 第二發球
score 得分
strap 中央帶
side line 邊線
service line 發球線
service court 發球區
single court 單打場區
suspension 暫停
seeding player 非種子球員
seeded player 種子球員
single eliminatin tournament 單淘汰賽



tactics 戰術
take-back 拉拍
tennis lines 網球場上的線
throwing position 準備擊球姿勢
timing 擊球時間的掌握
topspin 上旋轉球
turn 轉身
thirty 30分
through the net 穿網球
tie-breaker 平局勝制



umpire 裁判
underspin 下旋球



volley 截擊



warming up 熱身運動
wide ball 離身球
Originally posted by shaqkobe at 2005-11-28 16:51:

If, If there would be in your case
Lakers should get the home court adv!

BUT, I don't think that's possible....

How can 3 teams have 60+ results in WEST?

i.e from 3rd seeds to last.. the record should be really BAD..

or that's no team in EAST should get 55+ win
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
Originally posted by brightlee at 2005-12-21 20:47:

If, If there would be in your c...

仲有Sport板飛機區 索女運動員、PE學生妹等緊你(新圖非附件~免分~)

仲有Sport板飛機區 索女運動員、PE學生妹等緊你(新圖非附件~免分~)
你喜歡看網球轉播嗎?是否有時候會對裁判的判決感到疑惑,甚至對計分的方法也是一頭霧水呢?看完以下的「網球規則半小時速成」之後,相信各種疑難雜症必能迎刃而解 。



















先取7分為勝者。當比數為6-6時,繼續比賽到有2分的差距。其間的比數以數字表示 得分8-9或10-11 。


接下來由選手B發球,先從左側發球,接著從右側發球,作2分的發球(第2分與第3分 )。



換場之後,選手B作第2分的發球,(換場後的第1個發球),以後則在左、右兩側輪 流作2分的發球。

tie break結束。該局的比數就是7--6,換場再戰。




硬式網球無論單、雙打或混雙都採一盤六局制先勝六者為領先一盤,比賽可採一、三、五盤決勝,而一盤中如為五局平要連勝二局,打到六局平時要打搶七分制(Tie Break)。



F1 06改例

From the 2005 Formula One Technical Regulations:

5.1 Engine specification:
5.1.1 Only 4-stroke engines with reciprocating pistons are permitted.
5.1.2 Subject only to Article 5.2, engine capacity must not exceed 2400 cc.
5.1.3 Supercharging is forbidden.
5.1.4 All engines must have 8 cylinders arranged in a 90º “V” configuration and the normal section of each cylinder must be circular.
5.1.5 Engines must have two inlet and two exhaust valves per cylinder.
Only reciprocating poppet valves are permitted.
The sealing interface between the moving valve component and the stationary engine component must be circular.
5.2 Alternative engines:
For 2006 and 2007 only, the FIA reserves the right to allow any team to use an engine complying with the 2005 engine regulations, provided its maximum crankshaft rotational speed does not exceed a limit fixed from time to time by the FIA so as to ensure that such an engine will only be used by a team which does not have access to a competitive 2.4 litre V8 engine.
5.3 Other means of propulsion:
5.3.1 Subject only to Article 5.2, the use of any device, other than the 2.4 litre, four stroke engine described in 5.1 above, to power the car, is not permitted.
5.3.2 The total amount of recoverable energy stored on the car must not exceed 300kJ, any which may be recovered at a rate greater than 2kW must not exceed 20kJ.
5.4 Engine dimensions:
5.4.1 Cylinder bore diameter may not exceed 98mm.
5.4.2 Cylinder spacing must be fixed at 106.5mm (+/- 0.2mm).
5.4.3 The crankshaft centreline must not be less than 58mm above the reference plane.
5.5 Weight and centre of gravity:
5.5.1 The overall weight of the engine must be a minimum of 95kg.
5.5.2 The centre of gravity of the engine may not lie less than 165mm above the reference plane.
5.5.3 The longitudinal and lateral position of the centre of gravity of the engine must fall within a region that is the geometric centre of the engine, +/- 50mm.
5.5.4 When establishing conformity with Article 5.5, the engine will include the intake system up to and including the air filter, fuel rail and injectors, ignition coils, engine mounted sensors and wiring, alternator, coolant pumps and oil pumps.
5.5.5 When establishing conformity with Article 5.5, the engine will not include liquids, exhaust manifolds, heat shields, oil tanks, water system accumulators, heat exchangers, hydraulic system (e.g. pumps, accumulators, manifolds, servo-valves, solenoids, actuators) except servo-valve and actuator for engine throttle control, fuel pumps nor any component not mounted on the engine when fitted to the car.
5.6 Variable geometry systems:
5.6.1 Variable geometry inlet systems are not permitted.
5.6.2 Variable geometry exhaust systems are not permitted.
5.6.3 Variable valve timing and variable valve lift systems are not permitted.
5.7 Fuel systems
5.7.1 The pressure of the fuel supplied to the injectors may not exceed 100 bar. Sensors must be fitted which directly measure the pressure of the fuel supplied to the injectors, these signals must be supplied to the FIA data logger.
5.7.2 Only one fuel injector per cylinder is permitted which must inject directly into the side or the top of the inlet port.
5.8 Electrical systems:
5.8.1 Ignition is only permitted by means of a single ignition coil and single spark plug per cylinder. The use of plasma, laser or other high frequency ignition techniques is forbidden.
5.8.2 Only conventional spark plugs that function by high tension electrical discharge across an exposed gap are permitted.
Spark plugs are not subject to the materials restrictions described in Articles 5.13 and 5.14.
5.8.3 The primary regulated voltage on the car must not exceed 17.0V DC. This voltage is defined as the stabilised output from the on-car charging system.
5.9 Engine actuators:
With the following exceptions hydraulic, pneumatic or electronic actuation is forbidden:
a) Electronic solenoids uniquely for the control of engine fluids;
B) Components providing controlled pressure air for a pneumatic valve system;
c) A single actuator to operate the throttle system of the engine.
5.10 Engine auxiliaries:
With the exception of electrical fuel pumps engine auxiliaries must be mechanically driven directly from the engine with a fixed speed ratio to the crankshaft.
5.11 Engine intake air:
5.11.1 Other than injection of fuel for the normal purpose of combustion in the engine, any device, system, procedure, construction or design the purpose or effect of which is any decrease in the temperature of the engine intake air is forbidden.
5.11.2 Other than engine sump breather gases and fuel for the normal purpose of combustion in the engine, the spraying of any substance into the engine intake air is forbidden.
5.12 Materials and Construction - Definitions:
5.12.1 X Based Alloy (e.g. Ni based alloy) – X must be the most abundant element in the alloy on a %w/w basis. The minimum possible weight percent of the element X must always be greater than the maximum possible of each of the other individual elements present in the alloy.
5.12.2 X-Y Based Alloy (e.g. Al-Cu based alloy) – X must be the most abundant element as in 5.12.1 above. In addition element Y must be the second highest constituent (%w/w), after X in the alloy. The mean content of Y and all other alloying elements must be used to determine the second highest alloying element (Y).
5.12.3 Intermetallic Materials (e.g. TiAl, NiAl, FeAl, Cu3Au, NiCo) – These are materials where the material is based upon intermetallic phases, i.e. the matrix of the material consists of greater then 50%v/v intermetallic phase(s). An intermetallic phase is a solid solution between two or more metals exhibiting either partly ionic or covalent, or metallic bonding with a long range order, in a narrow range of composition around the stoichiometric proportion.
5.12.4 Composite Materials – These are materials where a matrix material is reinforced by either a continuous or discontinuous phase. The matrix can be metallic, ceramic, polymeric or glass based. The reinforcement can be present as long fibres (continuous reinforcement); or short fibres, whiskers and particles (discontinuous reinforcement).
5.12.5 Metal Matrix Composites (MMC's) – These are materials with a metallic matrix containing a phase of greater than 2%v/v which is not soluble in the liquid phase of the metallic matrix.
5.12.6 Ceramic Materials (e.g. Al2O3, SiC, B4C, Ti5Si3, SiO2, Si3N4) – These are inorganic, non metallic solids.
5.13 Materials and construction – General:
5.13.1 Unless explicitly permitted for a specific engine component, the following materials may not be used anywhere on the engine:
a) Magnesium based alloys
B) Metal Matrix Composites (MMC's)
c) Intermetallic materials
d) Alloys containing more than 5% by weight of Beryllium, Iridium or Rhenium.
5.13.2 Coatings are free provided the total coating thickness does not exceed 25% of the section thickness of the underlying base material in all axes. In all cases the relevant coating must not exceed 0.8mm.
5.14 Materials and construction – Components:
5.14.1 Pistons must be manufactured from an aluminium alloy which is either Al-Si; Al-Cu; Al-Mg or Al-Zn based.
5.14.2 Piston pins must be manufactured from an iron based alloy and must be machined from a single piece of material.
5.14.3 Connecting rods must be manufactured from iron or titanium based alloys and must be machined from a single piece of material with no welded or joined assemblies (other than a bolted big end cap or an interfered small end bush).
5.14.4 Crankshafts must be manufactured from an iron based alloy.
No welding is permitted between the front and rear main bearing journals.
No material with a density exceeding 19,000kg/m3 may be assembled to the crankshaft.
5.14.5 Camshafts must be manufactured from an iron based alloy.
Each camshaft and lobes must be machined from a single piece of material.
No welding is allowed between the front and rear bearing journals.
5.14.6 Valves must be manufactured from alloys based on Iron, Nickel, Cobalt or Titanium.
Hollow structures cooled by sodium, lithium or similar are permitted.
5.14.7 Reciprocating and rotating components:
a) Reciprocating and rotating components must not be manufactured from graphitic matrix, metal matrix composites or ceramic materials. This restriction does not apply to the clutch and any seals;
B) Rolling elements of rolling element bearings must be manufactured from an iron based alloy;
c) Timing gears between the crankshaft and camshafts (including hubs) must be manufactured from an iron based alloy.
5.14.8 Static components:
a) Engine crankcases and cylinder heads must be manufactured from cast or wrought aluminium alloys.
No composite materials or metal matrix composites are permitted either for the whole component or locally.
B) Any metallic structure whose primary or secondary function is to retain lubricant or coolant within the engine must be manufactured from an iron based alloy or an aluminium alloy of the Al-Si, Al-Cu, Al-Zn or Al-Mg alloying systems.
c) All threaded fasteners must be manufactured from an alloy based on Cobalt, Iron or Nickel.
Composite materials are not permitted.
d) Valve seat inserts, valve guides and any other bearing component may be manufactured from metallic infiltrated pre-forms with other phases which are not used for reinforcement.
5.15 Starting the engine:
A supplementary device temporarily connected to the car may be used to start the engine both on the grid and in the pits.
5.16 Stall prevention systems:
If a car is equipped with a stall prevention system, and in order to avoid the possibility of a car involved in an accident being left with the engine running, all such systems must be configured to stop the engine no more than ten seconds after activation.
FIA Rules & Regulations Sporting Regulations
2006 season changes
Rules & Regulations - 2004 season changes Rules & Regulations - 2004 season changes
A number of changes to both the Sporting and Technical Regulations have been made by the FIA for the 2006 Formula One season.

For 2006, the single-lap system used in recent years is replaced be a new three-part, knockout format, with multiple cars on track throughout the qualifying hour, which is split into two 15-minute sessions and a final 20-minute session, with five-minute breaks in between.

Part one: All 20 cars may run laps at any time during the first 15 minutes of the hour. At the end of the first 15 minutes, the five slowest cars drop out and fill the final five grid places.

Part two: After a five-minute break, the times will be reset and the 15 remaining cars then will then run in a second 15-minute session - again they may complete as many laps as they want at any time during that period. At the end of the 15 minutes, the five slowest cars drop out and fill places 11 to 15 on the grid.

Part three: After another five-minute break, the times are reset and the final 20-minute session will feature a shootout between the remaining 10 cars to decide pole position and the starting order for the top 10 grid places. Again, these cars may run as many laps as they wish.

In the first two 15-minute sessions, cars may run any fuel load and drivers knocked out after those sessions may refuel ahead of the race. However, the top-ten drivers must begin the final 20-minute session with the fuel load on which they plan to start the race. They will be weighed before they leave the pits, and whatever fuel they use in the 20 minutes may be replaced at the end of the session.

If a driver is deemed to have stopped unnecessarily on the circuit or impeded another driver during the qualifying session, then his times will be cancelled.

For 2006, engines are reduced in size from the previous 3-litre V10s to 2.4-litre V8s. The aim is to reduce costs and improve safety. With similar engine speeds, the change is expected to cut peak power by around 200bhp, which in turn is likely to add around five seconds to lap times at most circuits. The FIA may allow some teams to use 2005-spec V10s if they do not have access to competitive V8. The FIA will enforce a rev limit on any V10s to ensure performance is comparable with that of a V8.

After a season’s absence, tyre changes during races return to Formula One in 2006. The thinking behind this is that the reduced engine size will offset any performance gain. Drivers also have access to slightly more tyres than in 2005 - seven sets of dry-weather, four sets of wet-weather and three sets of extreme-weather. Drivers must make a final choice of dry-weather compound ahead of qualifying.

Weekend schedule
In a slight change to the Grand Prix weekend format, Saturday morning now features a single, one-hour practice session, as opposed to two, 45-minute sessions. It takes place between 1100 and 1200. Qualifying is an hour later than before, commencing at 1400.
FIA Regulations in detail
Published with permission from the Federation Internationale de l'Automobile.

From the 2006 Formula One Sporting Regulations:

114) Free practice sessions will take place:
a) The day after initial scrutineering from 11.00 to 12.00 and from 14.00 to 15.00.
B) The day before the race from 11.00 to 12.00.

115) The qualifying practice session will take place on the day before the race from 14.00 to 15.00.
The session will be run as follows:
a) From 14.00 to 14.15 all cars will be permitted on the track and at the end of this period the slowest five cars, taking into account only laps which were completed before the end of the period, will be prohibited from taking any further part in the session.
Lap times achieved by the fifteen remaining cars will then be deleted.
B) From 14.20 to 14.35 the fifteen remaining cars will be permitted on the track and at the end of this period the slowest five cars, taking into account only laps which were completed before the end of the period, will be prohibited from taking any further part in the session.
Lap times achieved by the ten remaining cars will then be deleted.
c) From 14.40 to 15.00 the ten remaining cars will be permitted on the track.
The above procedure is based upon a Championship entry of 20 cars. If 22 are entered six cars will be excluded after each of the periods a) and B) and, if 24 are entered, six cars will be excluded after each of the periods a) and B) leaving 12 cars eligible for period c).
116) If, in the opinion of the stewards, a driver deliberately stops on the circuit or impedes another driver in any way during the qualifying practice session his times will be cancelled.

73) Supply of tyres:
a) Any tyre company wishing to supply tyres to Formula One Teams must notify the FIA of its intention to do so no later than 1 January preceding the year during which such tyres will be supplied.
Any tyre company wishing to cease the supply of tyres to Formula One Teams must notify the FIA of its intention to do so no later than 1 January of the year preceding that in which such tyres were to be supplied.
B) No tyre may be used in the Championship unless the company supplying such tyre accepts and adheres to the following conditions:
- one tyre supplier present in the Championship: this company must equip 100% of the entered teams on ordinary commercial terms;
- two tyre suppliers present: each of them must, if called upon to do so, be prepared to equip up to 60% of the entered teams on ordinary commercial terms;
- three or more tyre suppliers present: each of them must, if called upon to do so, be prepared to equip up to 40% of the entered teams on ordinary commercial terms;
- each tyre supplier must undertake to provide no more than two specifications of dry-weather tyre to each Team at each Event, each of which must be of one homogenous compound. Any modification or treatment, other than heating, carried out to a tyre or tyres will be considered a change of specification;
- each tyre supplier must undertake to provide no more than one specification of wet-weather tyre at each Event which must be of one homogenous compound;
- each tyre supplier must undertake to provide no more than one specification of extreme-weather tyre at each Event which must be of one homogenous compound;
- if, in the interests of maintaining current levels of circuit safety, the FIA deems it necessary to reduce tyre grip, it shall introduce such rules as the tyre suppliers may advise or, in the absence of advice which achieves the FIA's objectives, specify the maximum permissible contact areas for front and rear tyres.
74) Type of tyres:
a) All dry-weather tyres must incorporate circumferential grooves square to the wheel axis and around the entire circumference of the contact surface of each tyre.
B) Each front dry-weather tyre, when new, must incorporate 4 grooves which are:
- arranged symmetrically about the centre of the tyre tread;
- at least 14mm wide at the contact surface and which taper uniformly to a minimum of 10mm at the lower surface;
- at least 2.5mm deep across the whole lower surface;
- 50mm (+/- 1.0mm) between centres.
Furthermore, the tread width of the front tyres must not exceed 270mm.
c) Each rear dry-weather tyre, when new, must incorporate 4 grooves which are:
- arranged symmetrically about the centre of the tyre tread;
- at least 14mm wide at the contact surface and which taper uniformly to a minimum of 10mm at the lower surface;
- at least 2.5mm deep across the whole lower surface;
- 50mm (+/- 1.0mm) between centres.
The measurements referred to in B) and c) above will be taken when the tyre is fitted to a wheel and inflated to 1.4 bar.
d) A wet-weather tyre is one which has been designed for use on a wet or damp track.
All wet-weather tyres must, when new, have a contact area which does not exceed 280cm² when fitted to the front of the car and 440cm² when fitted to the rear. Contact areas will be measured over any square section of the tyre which is normal to and symmetrical about the tyre centre line and which measures 200mm x 200mm when fitted to the front of the car and 250mm x 250mm when fitted to the rear. For the purposes of establishing conformity, void areas which are less than 2.5mm in depth will be deemed to be contact areas.
Prior to use at an Event, each tyre manufacturer must provide the technical delegate with a full scale drawing of each type of wet-weather tyre intended for use.
e) An extreme-weather tyre is one which has been designed for use on a wet track.
All extreme-weather tyres must, when new, have a contact area which does not exceed 240cm² when fitted to the front of the car and 375cm² when fitted to the rear. Contact areas will be measured over any square section of the tyre which is normal to and symmetrical about the tyre centre line and which measures 200mm x 200mm when fitted to the front of the car and 250mm x 250mm when fitted to the rear. For the purposes of establishing conformity, void areas which are less than 5.0mm in depth will be deemed to be contact areas.
Prior to use at an Event, each tyre manufacturer must provide the technical delegate with a full scale drawing of each type of extreme-weather tyre intended for use.
f) Tyre specifications will be determined by the FIA no later than 1 September of the previous season. Once determined in this way, the specification of the tyres will not be changed during the Championship season without the agreement of the Formula One Commission.
75) Quantity of tyres
a) During the Event no driver may use more than seven sets of dry-weather tyres, four sets of wet-weather tyres and three sets of extreme-weather tyres. A set of tyres will be deemed to comprise two front and two rear tyres all of which must be of the same specification.
If a driver change is made during an Event the tyres allocated to the original driver must be used by the new driver. If the new driver is a third driver entered under Article 58(B), any tyres used on the first day of practice will not count towards his total number of sets.
76) Control of tyres:
a) The outer sidewall of all tyres which are to be used at an Event must be marked with a unique identification.
B) Other than in cases of force majeure (accepted as such by the stewards of the meeting), all tyres intended for use at an Event must be presented to the FIA technical delegate for allocation prior to the end of initial scrutineering.
c) At any time during an Event, and at his absolute discretion, the FIA technical delegate may select alternative dry-weather tyres to be used by any team or driver from among the relevant stock of tyres which such team's designated supplier has present at the Event.
d) A competitor wishing to replace one unused tyre by another identical unused one must present both tyres to the FIA technical delegate.
e) The use of tyres without appropriate identification may result in deletion of the relevant driver's qualifying time or exclusion from the race.
f) The only permitted type of tyre heating devices are blankets which use resistive heating elements.
77) Use of tyres
a) No driver may use more than one specification of dry-weather tyre after the start of the qualifying practice session.
B) Prior to the start of the qualifying practice session wet and extreme-weather tyres may only be used after the track has been declared wet by the race director, following which extreme, wet or dry-weather tyres may be used for the remainder of the session.
78) Wear of tyres:
The Championship will be contested on grooved tyres. The FIA reserve the right to introduce at any time a method of measuring remaining groove depth if performance appears to be enhanced by high wear or by the use of tyres which are worn so that the grooves are no longer visible.
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