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聽講話係(當時)全世界最有錢ga 20隊球隊
Originally posted by plk at 2005-6-5 12:48 AM:
聽講話係(當時)全世界最有錢ga 20隊球隊
咁都得???= ="
問題四: 想請問曼聯主場既年收入有幾多呀? 多過阿仙奴幾多呢? 平均黎講, 英超d普通「飛」一張幾錢? 有無得散賣? 無得散賣既話一季又要幾錢呢?

Originally posted by 樂壇渣Fit人 at 2005-6-5 04:55 PM:
問題四: 想請問曼聯主場既年收入有幾...
誰願回看憂鬱的眼 舊事沒法平淡   偏偏要裝作平淡
憑著忘記將它沖淡 但是易說難辦   歲月已印在眉間
Originally posted by 樂壇渣Fit人 at 2005-6-5 04:55 PM:
問題四: 想請問曼聯主場既年收入有幾...
英超 Ticket :
On average
Cheapest : 25 pounds
Most expensive ( not included Box room ): 60 pounds
1 pound to 14.5 HKD

But some Cup games ticket will be as cheap as 10 pounds ( Carling Cup )

There is also a ticket called Season ticket,
You will have a fixed seat on that team's all home game for a season
around 18 games
it will cost from 500 pounds to 1000 pounds,
The price will depends on the seats and the team.

In England, it very hard to get ticket for big teams
they are always sold to their own member first
and membership fee is around 35 pounds for a year
and there's different level for all members...Gold, Silver, Bronze( depending on time will club)
ticket will usually sold to gold member first, then silver member and so on....
so if u join the club, there may be no ticket left for you....

But there are alot YELLOW COW tickets in the market
but will be 3 times the original price
我想知 英國分為英格蘭,蘇格蘭,威爾斯,北愛爾蘭,仲有咩???
點解之前 愛爾蘭會脫離左英國??
你所指是大不列顛, Greater Britian
Great Britian 政治是很複雜
Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and England 有各自獨立的體制,

We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
Originally posted by brightlee at 2005-6-6 02:46 PM:
你所指是大不列顛, Greater Britian
Originally posted by abc123aa at 2005-6-6 17:48:

Well Great Britian is really political in sports...
see in Olympics, they are using Great Britian..
but in Soccer...
that's why You didn't see soccer in Great Britian in Olympics after they won the first Olympics soccer gold medal....

We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
問題六: 全英國最大既足球場在哪裡? 屬於邊個球隊?

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