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一生一世支持多蒙特,Support u forever Borussia Dortmund
Originally posted by lookityourself at 2005-6-18 05:01 PM:
1. 每組首名共八支入決賽周
2. 最佳成績的第二名兩支入決賽周
3. 其餘六組六隊再抽簽對賽以主客制兩回合淘汰方式得出三隊入決賽周

[ Last edited by leeyanta on 2005-6-18 at 05:23 PM ]
I want to ask about that football League in China...

1,Does the team represent their own town in china?
2, How many division are there? ( how many teams as well )
3, Why HK don't join in?
Originally posted by lliu at 2005-6-22 02:11 AM:
I want to ask about that football League in China...

1,Does the team represent their own town in china?
2, How many division are there? ( how many teams as well )
3, Why HK don't join in?

[原創]跳射完全手冊 ( Basketball )

跳射完全手冊 JumpShoot Guidelines (Part I~VI)

I watched a clip and i think it is good for this topic. 我睇到段短片適合呢個題目

Lets first invite邀請 Turkoglu to demonstrate 示範 how to do a correct jumpshoot. This Part I I will focus 集中 on the rear side of a player 由我哋背脊後去觀察.

Flash: http://www.nba.com/media/magic/030405_2.swf

we see some obvious points:
(A)both hands are straight upward雙手畢直, if you right elbow is not straight右手臂少少曲都錯, sorry, u are wrong
After the ball released from your hands, your hands are still straight, 出手完成, 雙手依舊畢直
(B) the elbow is at least at the height of eyeblows手肘至少和眼睸同一高度 , if your hands raise below the height of eyeblows如果手肘舉高低過眼睸, shame that you may want your foe to do a nice block容易比人封
(C) left hand is at the same height of right hand.左手高度和右手一樣
Lets say we are right hand players (right hand = shooting hand右手主射), our left hands are assistant-hand左手輔助, the function of our left hands is not just to help to hold the ball 左手唔單止幫助扶持嗰波before it releases into air, but the most important 更重要係令波離手時is to help direct the ball 唔會not to be shot to rightward偏右 or 或leftward偏左.  We must make sure that the ball will release into the air in the middle in an arch curve 高拋物線

Part 1 finished, if we failed any of the part 1 A, B or C, go correct it.
A, B & C part  未改善, 重複缲到習慣, 再去 Part II

Do not tell us u want to keep your style and give an excuse "I am doing fine with my own style, I do not need to follow the benchmark" and your field goal % will not improve.
好多人都話:' 駛唔駛跟到咁足呀, 我依家ok呀, 我嘅style冇問題'
ok, 你可以唔跟最佳指標嚟練, 因為進步一定冇你份

Turkoglu is not the best example of jump shoot, but still good enough.

I will edit this thread, next part II is about our fingers右手手指姿勢.拇指,中指 (再續)

Part II
goes on

about your shooting hand, 關於右手 (主射嘅手)

spread all your 5 fingers widely. 手指全部張開

the thumb is 90% angle to your1st finger 拇指 和 食指 張大到 90度 (人人都得)

your middle finger is aiming the net 中指一條線瞄準籃框 (或籃網, 就自己)

slightly spread your ring and little fingers. 無名指及尾指稍微張開

if your fingers are only slightly spread, you are wrong. 如果5隻手指只係微張, 即錯誤手勢

no matter we chinese or blacks  play basketball, the size of ball is same, the only different is the size of our palms. 無論黑人或中國人打籃球, 球大細都一樣, 只有手掌大細分別

you see them (the blacks) spread fingers as wide as possible? this is becoz it makes you to better control the ball before it shoot from your palm. 既然佢哋為咗瞄準啲都盡量張開手指, 更何況我哋?

成隻右手掌張開晒包住籃球, 想用支原子筆攝入手掌中間都冇隙入先正確

Part III
take a free throw as an example, when doing FT, do you adjust your right shoulder slightly towards the net?
以射罰球為例, 右肩膀膀稍為向, 左前肩移後, 右腳腳掌對正籃框, 左腳以 "V"字放鬆 (即右腳向12點嘅話, 左腳掌就向大約10點), 這姿勢絕不會不自然, 相反我哋會發覺這更舒服, 所以當射罸球時我們會企得略為偏左. OK, 將這成為跳射 姿勢.

Move our right elbow in 手肘移中(手踭/雞翼移入)

if we did not, our strenght is unable to be streamline from the toes to knee to shoulder to elbow to wrist and the last to your middle finger. 咁先可以將力量由右腳指傳上右膝頭, 右膊頭, 右手肘,  右手腕, 最後去到中指 釋放籃球

Our right tow, right foot, whole right lower leg, right hipbone, right shoulder, right elbow, whole right lower arm, right wrist & middle fingers FORMS a vertical straight line 右腳指,右膝頭, 右膊頭, 右手肘,  右手腕,右中指組成一條垂直線

can u feel it? or u just heard about it but never feel it? 感唔感覺出有咪唔同?

your wrist should be a quick move downward to make the ball throw into the air in an arch way and , the ball rotating in the air 手腕出力一嘢發落嚟, 用手指經過成個籃球必個波上去 (用手指感受呀) 將個波向上拋物線射出, 個波會係空中轉圈

when u do a jump shoot, did you see the ball is rotating several circles before it reaches the rim?
if your ball only rotates 1 or  2 circles in the air before it goes into the net, sorry you need to improve your fingers movement (except thumb) and practise more and more.  個波係空中轉一至兩個圈即表示你 <手腕出力一嘢發落嚟> 唔夠盡力, 正常籃球應會自轉7-8圈才到籃框

ask friends to watch your jumpshoot at both sides (right and left), no matter u doing Free throw, long range 2pts shoot or 3 pts shoot, there is always an arch way.  if you did a flat shoot during 3pts shoot (so-called   推波掌/推牆掌), you do not know what the exact meanings of the above parts.

go through Part I to Part III again and again until u can do an arch movement whatever location u shoot, exemption maybe u doing low-post shot.

Part IV One & Two Hands JumpShoot

do a strong Wrist downward, all fingers flip down, the ball releases out though all your 5 fingers, with middle finger being last to touch the ball
手腕關節出力下發, 手指用力[必]嗰波向上, 波出手時經過所有手指, 中指最後掂波

Release Ball Up - Not Out
將籃球向上釋放 / 射, 絕對唔係向前射

Release the ball and make it a high angle archway in the air, do u make it “nothing but net穿針” or “air ball大針”?

No worry
唔緊要, 瞄得準唔準係一
Air ball is ok at this step, make sure your ball never goes to rightward or leftward, train the aim accuracy first.  we have a whole life to improve the accuracy.

Part V Ball Movement
We are not just familiar Part I to IV, but it already become our habit, good good good to hear it.

Are we sure we have done it correctly? Go shoot and see what happens.

Grab a ball and shoot beyond the circle of FT line.罸球線以外位置射  We are about to do mid-range shoot.

Do jump shoots
First, if  the ball does not go into the net, does it hit the rim籃框? Or the support steel frame behind the rim籃框後面條短鐵支架?
You should make it not hitting outside the rim.
Second, when the ball hits the rim it will bounce, is the ball always bounce upward and then drop down right below the rim?  Or the ball bounces with multiple angels and falls away, sometimes it even bounces outside the “key zone”籃底鎖匙圈.  If we did that, we use the wrong power.  Return to Part IV, release the ball up, not out.

If the ball bounces only up and down within the rim, there is a likelihood that the ball may roll inside the basket 滴滴下滴入 / [朗朗]下[朗]入 even your strength is overused or aim is not accurate.  
Then, you get a higher second chance to score.  Furthermore, if your ball always drops right below the basket, your Centre/PF can predict where the ball may drop and go for offensive rebounds.

Now, do several 3-pts shoot, where does the ball bounce to?
The ball should still bounce above the rim and drop below the rim.
If your ball bounces back to you, you can laugh loudly.  Go back to Part III about “push wall hand推波掌/推牆掌”.

Part VI No Jumping Forward 切勿跳前
(A) after each jumpshoot, we should fall on the original jumping point跳投之後落在原地, not move forward.

when doing 3-pts shoot, same rule applies. If we use the correct gesture and strength, how would we jump forward? Do we want a block shot from others?
exceptions are  doing fadeaway, moving in air jumpshoot or spinaround jumpshoot, this is another topic (Part VII to Part VIII?)

(B) this part VI is very hard and not necessary, it is NOT a must to follow.
while we jump, our feet 腳掌 are facing the ground parallel, right?
Now, try another gesture, it uses more strength and we may feel tired after a few tries:
each jump have our feet facing downward, with toes pointing to the floor, like the ballet dancer 芭蕾舞.
It makes us jump a bit higher, maybe 1cm higher than before. So, do we need this 1cm or 0.5cm higher?
Look, every little improvement accumulates.  This is what we always neglect.
Take a look at Jordan, t-mac, kobe etc, now you find that they use this feet gesture?

[ Last edited by yanmatthew2006 on 2005-6-28 at 04:21 PM ]

仲有Sport板飛機區 索女運動員、PE學生妹等緊你(新圖非附件~免分~)
其實我想問下呢....點分hand ball同ball hand ga ??

但如果我郁隻手係為左避個波但又避唔到呢 ???
咁點計 ?? @@


[ Last edited by MaxFigo on 2005-6-30 at 07:08 PM ]
Originally posted by MaxFigo at 2005-6-30 07:07 PM:
其實我想問下呢....點分hand ball同ba...
但如果我郁隻手係為左避個波但又避唔到呢 ???


Originally posted by wanmankit at 2005-6-30 09:59 PM:

照咁睇...好難知道究竟個球員係咪有心ga wo....
咁a隊d球員真係分分鐘比佢吹漲ga wo
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