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季後賽傳奇點將錄─Michael Jordan

季後賽傳奇點將錄─Michael Jordan


季後賽傳奇點將錄當然少不了「籃球之神」Michael Jordan了,Jordan的季後賽傳奇可以分成兩大階段,第一階段是1993年他第一次退休前,第二階段則是從1994到1998年他第二次宣布退休這段期間。就讓我們先回顧一下第一時期Jordan在季後賽的神奇演出吧。


在1986年季後賽首輪對上塞爾蒂克的第二戰,Jordan領軍的公牛歷經二次延長後仍不幸敗北,但Jordan勇奪季後賽史上個人單場最高的63分的超人表現成了最受人注目的焦點。而其中最為人津津樂道的,便是Jordan於右邊角落跨下運球閃過綠衫軍傳奇球星Larry Bird後跳投得手,賽後Bird對於Jordan的神奇表現發表看法:「我想是上帝偽裝成Jordan來打球的吧!」


進入季後賽首輪對手便是聲勢如日中天的塞爾蒂克,同時也是當年最後的冠軍隊伍,雖然公牛最後被直落三淘汰出局,但Jordan第二戰於傳奇的塞爾蒂克主場the Boston Garden的驚異演出奠定了巨星地位。當時塞爾蒂克的冠軍陣容認為是史上最強的隊伍之一,但Jordan卻在他們面前砍下63分,寫下NBA季後賽個人單場得分的紀錄,而且迄今無人能破。

連當時他的隊友John Paxson都說:「Michael在場上可以做的事太多了,而且做的很好,當我也在場上比賽時,也會被他的精采演出吸引,而不經意地停下動作。」




這個被芝加哥和克里夫蘭球球迷稱為"The Shot"的經典一擊,在當時於電視上播了不下上百次,更是加深騎士球迷的椎心之痛。雖然僅是一記投籃,卻改變了當時兩支年輕球隊的未來。

80年代末期的騎士以Brad Daugherty、Mark Price、Ron Harper、Larry Nance和John "Hot Rod" Williams為核心,是當時最具年輕潛力的球隊之一,在傳奇教練Lenny Wilkens的帶領下,1988-89球季騎士創下隊史最佳的57勝25負。不過不幸的是,他們季後賽的對手卻是公牛,由Jordan所領軍的年輕球隊,而且正要邁入90年初期的黃金時期。公牛當年例行賽成績47勝35負,因此主場優勢由騎士所有,前四戰雙方各破對方一場主場,戰成二比二平手。

關鍵第五戰又是纏鬥至最後一刻,公牛尚落後1分,一如生涯無數次的致命一擊,Jordan又是執行的人選。Jordan在右側接球後,立刻往左切入在罰球區附近起身跳投,當時騎士防守者Craig Ehlo亦步亦趨地跟著,並跳起企圖封蓋,但是Jordan卻展現驚人的空中續航力,直到Ehlo已經下落後才將球投出,命中後比賽結束,公牛逆轉勝出,Jordan激動地揮舞著拳頭。




這個動作在電視重播了無數次,且被稱為"A spec-TAC-ular move by Jordan!",除了spectacular的讚嘆之意之外,TAC代表美國戰術空軍司令部,-ular則是表示類似,因此整句話有形容Jordan的空中動作就像飛機在空中進行特技表演一般華麗、可看。






By acclamation, Michael Jordan is the greatest basketball player of all time. Although, a summary of his basketball career and influence on the game inevitably fails to do it justice, as a phenomenal athlete with a unique combination of grxx, speed, power, artistry, improvisational ability and an unquenchable competitive desire, Jordan single-handedly redefined the NBA superstar.

Even contemporaneous superstars recognized the unparalleled position of Jordan. Magic Johnson said, "There's Michael Jordan and then there is the rest of us." Larry Bird, following a playoff game where Jordan dropped 63 points on the Boston Celtics in just his second season, appraisal of the young player was: "God disguised as Michael Jordan.

A brief listing of his top accomplishments would include the following: Rookie of the Year; Five-time NBA MVP; Six-time NBA champion; Six-time NBA Finals MVP; Ten-time All-NBA First Team; Nine time NBA All-Defensive First Team; Defensive Player of the Year; 14-time NBA All-Star; Three-time NBA All-Star MVP; 50th Anniversary All-Time Team; Ten scoring titles -- an NBA record and seven consecutive matching Wilt Chamberlain; Retired with the NBA's highest scoring average of 30.1ppg.

However, his impact is far greater than awards and championships. He burst into the league as a rookie sensation scoring in droves with an unmatchable first step and acrobatic drives and dunks and concluded his career as a cultural icon. Along the way, he became a true champion who spearheaded the globalization of the NBA with his dynamic on court abilities and personal sense of style that was marketed to the masses.

He was an accessible star who managed to maintain an air of mystique. He was visible as "Air Jordan," as part of a sneaker advertising campaign and endorsing other products as well as the star of the movie, Spxx Jam. However, he would vanish into retirement twice only to return until hanging up the sneakers for the last time after the 2002-03 season.

Although Brooklyn born, Jordan was bred in the more tranquil North Carolina. The son of Delores and James Jordan, he shared a special bond with his father, which included baseball being both of their first love. However, following his older brother, Larry, whom he idolized and was a spectacular athlete in his own right, Jordan began to play basketball.

He attended Laney High school in Wilmington, North Carolina, but as a 5-11 skinny sophomore, he was cut from the varsity basketball team. The summer before his junior year, he grew to 6-3 and began his path to super-stardom.

A Tar Heel at heart, the high school All-American attended the University of North Carolina. As a freshman, he played somewhat in the shadows of upperclassmen James Worthy and Sam Perkins. However, he shone in the spotlight of the NCAA Championship game against Georgetown and another great freshman Patrick Ewing, whom he would foil future NBA championships for as well. Jordan scored 16 points, grabbed nine rebounds and made the winning basket on a 16-foot jumper with 18 seconds in the game for the 63-62 victory.

As a sophomore, he was named College Player of the Year by The Sporting News. As a junior, he received that award again as well as the Naismith and Wooden Awards. After his junior year he was chosen with the third overall pick in the 1984 NBA Draft by the Chicago Bulls.

The Houston Rockets selected 7-0 center Hakeem Olajuwon form the University of Houston with the No.1 pick, which most expected. The Portland Trail Blazers, however, with the No. 2 pick chose 7-1 center Sam Bowie from Kentucky, which was not as anticipated. Bowie had suffered several injuries while in college but the Blazers bypassed Jordan because just the year before the team selected another exciting shooting guard in Clyde Drexler. Although Drexler went onto to be a star, Bowie was an injury prone player with a journeyman pro career

However, Jordan, coming off a gold medal performance at the 1984 Olympics prospered in the pro game with a fabulous first season, earning the NBA Rookie of the Year Award. He averaged 28.2 ppg, (third behind Bernard King and Bird) 6.5 rpg and 5.9 apg. He also was selected to the All-NBA Second Team. Perhaps more important, the Bulls improved to win 11 more games than in the season prior to his arrival and made it to the playoffs. Jordan averaged 29.3 ppg in the first round series, but the Bulls lost in four games to the Milwaukee Bucks.

In his first season, he did not have outstanding shooting range and was thought to roam to often on defense resulting from playing trapping defenses in college according to his first NBA coach, Kevin Loughery. Yet, his medium game--eight to 15-feet from the basket was impressive as evidence by his .515 field-goal shooting percentage and his steals tended to compensate for his less than stellar straight-up defense. Improvement in both areas would come and he would ultimately be regarded as threat from anywhere on the floor and one of the best ever one-on-one defenders.
好靚呀 *楊承琳* .
What's about everything in 96-98?!
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
嘩!  好詳細呀
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 季後賽傳奇點將錄─Michael Jordan

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