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太陽本季靠著威力十足的「跑轟」打法而追平隊史最佳的單季62勝紀錄,然而,他們在西區冠軍賽遇上兵多將廣的馬刺時,卻暴露出替補戰力不足的問題。今日(3日),有地方媒體報導指出,太陽球團為了提升球隊替補戰力,而準備以一張為期五年的合約找來今夏成為自由球員的Raja Bell。



Originally posted by shaqkobe at 2005-7-3 02:02 PM:

In my opinion they should trade Eddie Jones to free up space since he done really nothing last season he is getting wrost every year.
Originally posted by Edison at 2005-7-3 21:18:

In my opinion they should trade Eddie Jones to free up space since he done really nothing last season he is getting wrost every year.

仲有Sport板飛機區 索女運動員、PE學生妹等緊你(新圖非附件~免分~)
Heat really need some outside shooter right now the there are only two player can shoot threes hope they sign some 3 point shooter during the off-season to support their team. o i just notice Eddie Jones is a free agent this year
Heat doesn't ahve to offer him a contract or pay him low let him leave the team to free up space

[ Last edited by Edison on 2005-7-4 at 01:34 AM ]
Originally posted by Edison at 2005-7-4 01:16:
Heat really need some outside shoot...
而係喎!查過資料E.jones今年係自由身球員喎!咁岩晒啦。佢薪酬有成13,440,000,唔要佢用D錢黎搵個穩定兼當打既射手仲好。買個Redd 或者 加少少錢要Allen都夠呀。就算繼續留佢,都一定要大幅要求佢減薪。500萬就差唔多。依家千三萬真係太過份啦。

[ Last edited by shaqkobe on 2005-7-4 at 12:13 PM ]

仲有Sport板飛機區 索女運動員、PE學生妹等緊你(新圖非附件~免分~)
Originally posted by shaqkobe at 2005-7-4 12:11 PM:

That's different from what I read.  I don't think Eddie Jones is a FA this year, unfortunately.  Rather, he has the option to terminate his $13m contract with the Heat, and I don't think he'll exercise it.  So, it is highly likely that Eddie Jones will still be in Heat uniform next year.

However, there is a chance that Miami might simply waive Eddie Jones or package him in a trade.  There is a provision in the new CBA (which will be signed in July 22) allows teams to waive a player and and therefore be relieved of the player's luxury-tax burden.  While the team still needs to pay the remaining balance of the player's salary, the team will not need to pay the luxury-tax.    This is a one-off provision and a lot of teams are exploring this as a salary reliver.  Miami might be able to get rid of Eddie Jones through this proviosn.  
Originally posted by shaqkobe at 2005-7-4 12:11 PM:

I dont think Redd will going to Heat since many team wanted him If Ray Allen go with the heat they are really will be the Champion next year. But hopfully they can get rid of Eddie Jones as catbert say.

Yeah thx catbert i never know that information very helpful wor
莫布里拒絕新合同成自由球員 老貓渴望尋新生

莫布里 also one of the best player in this years free agent. But sad that he in King last year and was injure alot wouldn't do anything hope next season he can find a better team and "Show Time".
Originally posted by Edison at 2005-7-4 15:33:

仲有Sport板飛機區 索女運動員、PE學生妹等緊你(新圖非附件~免分~)
Originally posted by shaqkobe at 2005-7-5 04:51 PM:

If sun can re-sign Bobby Jackson they can use him as a SG to take Mobely's spot but if Jackson keep getting injure he will be useless so i think re-signing Jackson is a risk or even not re-sign him. King will get wrost without them two.
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » NBA球隊各隊最新資訊區

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