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Horry, one of the heroes of the Spurs' 2005 NBA championship run, has agreed to the terms in a three-year contract offer from the Spurs.

Free agents can't sign contracts until terms of the new collective bargaining agreement between the NBA and its players' union are finalized. The league has estimated July 22 as the likeliest date.

Look like the Spur will win next year champion too...
Allen's agent, Lon Babby, said Tuesday morning that Allen has agreed to terms with the Sonics on a five-year deal. The contract would be for $80 million over five years with an additional $5 million in performance bonuses.

O well Ray Allen is gone.....
Originally posted by Edison at 2005-7-7 15:53:
Allen's agent, Lon Babby...

仲有Sport板飛機區 索女運動員、PE學生妹等緊你(新圖非附件~免分~)
Originally posted by Edison at 2005-7-6 05:28:

If sun can re-sign Bobby Jackso...

仲有Sport板飛機區 索女運動員、PE學生妹等緊你(新圖非附件~免分~)
Coveted free agent Michael Redd agreed Thursday to re-sign with the Bucks and play alongside No. 1 draft pick Andrew Bogut and T.J. Ford rather than return to his home state of Ohio to serve as LeBron James' sidekick.

Redd accepted Milwaukee's six-year offer for between $90 million and $96 million, his agent, Kevin Poston, told The Associated Press. The Cleveland Cavaliers offered $70 million over five years, the most they could offer.

Another big fish gone two of the best 3 point shooter is gone ...
if u ask me ... i dont think Redd worth that much ......
yes he is a good shooter ... but seem like thats it ....
Rumors became Stories. Stories became Legend
Originally posted by Ticat at 2005-7-8 09:21 AM:
if u ask me ... i dont think Redd worth that much ......
yes he is a good shooter ... but seem like thats it ....
He worth for that contract i belived Micheal Redd avg 23.0 points 4.2 rebounds and 2.3 assists compare him with Ray allen avg 23.9 points 4.4 rebounds and 3.7 assists they both have similar season and Ray Allen have been in NBA for 9 years and Redd only 5 years Redd is a potential player i think he worth it. And Bucks need it him to team up with Andrew Bogut and T.J. Ford, next season the Bucks will proboly made it to the playoff.

仲有Sport板飛機區 索女運動員、PE學生妹等緊你(新圖非附件~免分~)
Originally posted by Edison at 2005-7-8 10:16:

He worth for that contract i be...
yes you are right~Redd真係值96million,佢依家都仲後生,仲有排可以打。呢條長約應該花得物有所值。相反Allen就真係唔知佢可以當fit多幾耐。不過Sonice留佢都可算係不二之選。陣中點都要有番粒星既。

仲有Sport板飛機區 索女運動員、PE學生妹等緊你(新圖非附件~免分~)

Deal believed to be worth $65M to $70MBy Chad Ford

Updated: July 8, 2005, 2:37 PM ET
Deal believed to be worth $65M to $70MBy Chad Ford
ESPN Insider

Larry Hughes has come to terms with the Cleveland Cavaliers on a five-year deal, his agent, Jeff Wechsler, told ESPN Insider Chad Ford.

[ Last edited by shaqkobe on 2005-7-9 at 04:37 PM ]
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