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Olympics 2012 host winner - London???

Oh god! What the hell London won a sensational victory against Paris to host the 2012 Olympics??? Personally I don't bid this result as Paris was my favour, and simply London is virtueless to project the view of successful organising this big event in 2012. Actually Paris owns the highly capability and practical issue like having the Olympic's standard stadiums, to organise the Games with zero net greenhouse gas emissions and a sustainable legacy.

On the other hand, the deprived area of Stratford in London's East End will be conducted the largest regional development in Europe in the last 200 years. The project will provide a new Olympic park based around this area presented a powerful case for transforming the social and sporting landscape of the capital. Also it will offer a new national athletics stadium, aquatic centre and velodrome in UK. By the way, this transformation will bring up a large number of employments no matter the construction, tertiary and tourism etc.  I may be benefit to find a engineering jobs easily after my study here ....hahaha.....

But what do you think the result?
To be honest, I was shocked by the early exit of NY. Moscow was never really into it. But Madrid showed a very strong finish just days before the end. Most of the votes went from the captial to London in the final round. Oh man, this was a close one....

The reconstruction of Stratford will be one of the greatest, ambitous project in the history of mankind. It will bring work to the isles, but I wonder if this can spark a major turn around in the agiling economy of the UK.

I felt for Paris...this was really close....it kind of reminded when Beijing lose the 2000 bid to Sydney....

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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » Olympics 2012 host winner - London???

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