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I don't know how to love him – Sarah Brightman

I don't know how to love him
What to do, how to move him
I've been changed, yes really changed
In these past few days
When I've seen myself
I seem like someone else
I don't know how to take this
I don't see why he moved me
He's a man, he just a man
And I've had so many men before in very many ways
He's just one more
Should I bring him down
Should I scream and shout
Should I speak of love
Let my feeling out
I never thought I'd come to this
What's it all about
Don't you think it's rather funny
I should be in this position
I'm the one who's always been so calm so cool
No lover's fool, running every show
He scares me so
Yet if he said he loved me
I'd be lost, I'd be frightened
I couldn't cope, just couldn't cope
I'd turn my head, I'd back away
I wouldn't want to know
He scares me so
I want him so
I love him so


Dan Fogelberg

Met my old lover in the grocery store
The snow was falling Christmas Eve
I stole behind her in the frozen foods
And I touched her on the sleeve
She didn't recognize the face at first
But then her eyes flew open wide
She went to hug me and she spilled her purse
And we laughed until we cried.

We took her groceries to the checkout stand
The food was totalled up and bagged
We stood there lost in our embarrassment
As the conversation dragged.
We went to have ourselves a drink or two
But couldn't find an open bar
We bought a six-pack at the liquor store
And we drank it in her car.

We drank a toast to innocence
We drank a toast to now
And tried to reach beyond the emptiness
But neither one knew how.

She said she'd married her an architect
Who kept her warm and safe and dry
She would have liked to say she loved the man
But she didn't like to lie.
I said the years had been a friend to her
And that her eyes were still as blue
But in those eyes I wasn't sure if I saw
Doubt or gratitude.

She said she saw me in the record stores
And that I must be doing well
I said the audience was heavenly
But the traveling was hell.

We drank a toast to innocence
We drank a toast to now
And tried to reach beyond the emptiness
But neither one knew how.

We drank a toast to innocence
We drank a toast to time
Reliving in our eloquence
Another 'auld lang syne'...

The beer was empty and our tongues were tired
And running out of things to say
She gave a kiss to me as I got out
And I watched her drive away.
Just for a moment I was back at school
And felt that old familiar pain
And as I turned to make my way back home
The snow turned into rain



或者我 已不會存在


例如學會 承受失戀

明年今日 別要再失眠
床褥都改變 如果有幸會面

明年今日 未見妳一年
誰捨得改變 離開妳六十年

到這日才發現 曾呼吸過空氣


     怎麼說出口 也不過是分手
     牽牽手就像旅遊 成千上萬個門口

   *懷抱既然不能逗留 何不在離開的時候
     一邊享受 一邊淚流

   #十年之前 我不認識你
     你不屬於我 我們還是一樣

   +十年之後 我們是朋友
     還可以問候 只是那種溫柔

     重唱 *,#,+

     才明白我的眼淚 不是為你而流
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 音樂空間 » 大家覺得咩歌詞係最感動?

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