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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » Yahoo英超聯足球經理人大賽既Group (idea from rest365days)
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just take yr time, we can wait.
Originally posted by Alan1234 at 2006-5-10 13:00:
just take yr time, we can wait.
you know
cos that's so messy for the last few wk in the premier league scheludes
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
32nd week winner: 1) cqeggla 2) Lampard1234 3) Matrix
33rd week winner: 1) cqeggla 2) Lampard1234 3) Twins_star
34th week winner: 1) cqeggla 2) Lampard1234 3) Master
35th week winner: 1) cqeggla 2) Lampard1234 3) Twins_star
36th week winner: 1) cqeggla 2) Lampard1234 3) Twins_star
37th week winner: 1) cqeggla 2) Lampard1234 3) Twins_star
38th week winner: 1) cqeggla 2) Lampard1234 3) Twins_star
39th week winner: 1) cqeggla 2) Lampard1234 3) Master

Wk 29 to wk 32 winner 1) cqeggla 2) Matrix 3)Chestea_star
Wk 33 to wk 36 winner 1) Lampard1234 2) the killers 3)twin_star
Wk 37 to wk 39 winner 1) the killers 2) Master 3) cqeggla

2nd half winner: 1) cqeggla 2) the killers 3) Master

[ Last edited by brightlee on 2006-5-10 at 09:18 PM ]
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!

Points to be added liking this!

Winners for everyweek: 3rd)+1, 2nd)+2, 1st)+3
Winners for monthly: 3rd)+8 2nd) +10 1st)+12
Winners for half yearly: 3rd)+16 2nd)+18 1st)+20

Overall standing:
10th)+22 9th)+24 8th)+26 7th)+28 6th)+30 5th)+32 4th)+34 3)+36 2)+38 1)+40
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
Each posts, I can add 6 points (max)
Martix: +11, leaves 2 posts
dennis 7477: +24, leaves 4 posts
kk4683: +26, leaves 5 posts
temple united: +28 leaves 5 posts
chelsea_star: +38, leaves 7 posts
Jublio_Iwata: +30, leaves 5 posts
twins_star: +45, leaves 8 posts
the killers: +74, leaves 13 posts
Master: +63, leaves 11 posts
Lampard1234: +66, leaves 11 posts
cqeggla:+104, leaves 18 posts

The winners, please come to this posts, so I can add you points

PLEASE REMEMBER TO PUT YOUR NAME in your posts, otherwise I don't know which team is YOU!!! THX!

This topic will be locked on 1/6/06, so if you couldn't leave any posts before that day. Sorry, your marks will not be added forever.

Finally, thanks everyone to join this LEAGUE this year

Let's look forward for the yahoo FA Premier League on 2006/07

[ Last edited by brightlee on 2006-5-10 at 09:20 PM ]
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
66分正丫~ (1)
thxthx (2)
唔該哂 >_< (3)
差少少第1 >_< 最尾幾週唔記得轉人/.\ (4)
下年仲有冇得玩? (5)
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » Yahoo英超聯足球經理人大賽既Group (idea from rest365days)

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