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Originally posted by skjeiw at 2005-8-18 04:31 PM:
Originally posted by lookityourself at 2005-8-20 10:34 PM:

AC 後防有馬甸尼始終有保證


GILARDINO: ‘My goal was important’
CAGLIARI - Alberto Gilardino opened a difficult game with the first goal: ‘My goal was important for the economy of the game, when you score right out like that it changes the course of the game. We put on a good performance. The important thing was to win because of Juventus’ result. On the field, Sheva and I did everything to try to score, especially because the ground was really slippery this evening and was not easy to traverse. Now, we must strike again in the Champions League.’


Cassano to be Sheva heir? Tuesday 6 June, 2006


Milan have decided that Antonio Cassano would be the perfect replacement for Andriy Shevchenko, claim reports today.

A host of names have hit the headlines as potential transfers after the Ukrainian’s £30m move to Chelsea, including Didier Drogba, Samuel Eto’o, Hernan Crespo and Ruud Van Nistelrooy.

The latest addition is former Roma prodigy Cassano, whose career has hit problems over the past year.

He was signed from Bari for £20m in 2001 and left the Giallorossi in January of 2005 after six months on the sidelines for refusing to sign a contract extension.

However, his time at Real Madrid has been disappointing, as problems with his weight and form have seen the ‘Genio di Bari Vecchia’ barely step on to the Spanish turf.

Now there are claims the starlet, who will turn 24 next month, is set for a Serie A comeback at San Siro to partner Alberto Gilardino.

The only major stumbling block, suggest the newspapers, is the possible arrival on the Real bench of Fabio Capello.

Cassano has never hidden his desire to work with ‘Don Fabio’ again after their spell together at Roma and would relish the opportunity to prove himself in La Liga under his guidance.

Another issue is the increasingly fraught relationship between Milan and Real Madrid after Presidential candidate Ramon Calderon claimed he would sign Kaka if elected.

The Rossoneri were infuriated and
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