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HELP!! File dissappear

Today I removed BT which is instored in a file called KA LI.But after that, I found that all of Ka Li this file is disappear However,there is some important files too.So I want you to help me to find them back.100000 Thang You
Can I find them back??
Yes or No ,please tell me
please help me
try this.

PC Inspector File Recovery 是一個數據修復軟體,它支援 Fat12/16/32 和 NTFS 檔案系統。

下面是 PC Inspector File Recovery 3.x 的幾項新特點:
1) 即使在引導區或 FAT 被刪除或損壞的情況下,也能自動尋找到驅動器 (對 NTFS 系統不具有該功能) ;
2) 按照原始的時間和日期重新恢復檔案;
3) 支援恢復檔案的儲存及網路驅動器的儲存;
4) 能夠恢復那些在目錄中已無法參見的檔案。其它開發商的同類產品不具有此項功能。

From 軟體王!
how did you remove your BT program?

did you uninstall it with the "uninstall wizard"?

or did you delete the whole folder?

your folder should not be disappeared if you didn't touch it....
if you accidently delete it, and even emptied it from the recycle bin....
then too bad
there is no way you can get your file back
yes....unless the sector were overwrited by the new files.....so....try the software which godsonno support.....but i just suggest try not to write new file on ur driver.....
thanks I will try it.But,how to use it??
Originally posted by r0211272 at 2005-9-14 07:39 AM:
thanks I will try it.But,how to use it??
try this one, no need to install....just unzip N run it...

EmergencyUndelete.zip (297.9 KB)

thx very much
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 電腦區 » HELP!! File dissappear

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