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Originally posted by 艾力克 at 2005-11-1 00:50:
我對 E. Okafor 同 Ja. Jones 都有興趣
我隊 shut_up 你地有冇人想換呀?

P.S. carter 同 james 係我o既非賣品
唔知 S. Jackson 點賣呢,可唔可以計平啲

p.s. 當然無可能齋用佢嚟 trade E. Okafor 啦,佢未夠班

[ Last edited by 秋葉林 on 2005-11-1 at 01:38 AM ]
Originally posted by 清揚 at 2005-11-1 08:10:

你就要先用T. Parker換
搭換S. Marion 換P. Gasol~
用 T. Parker 同 B. Simmons,換 S. Nash 同 D. Miles 如何
Originally posted by Xtravagant at 2005-11-2 09:21:
I am very confused with Yahoo! NBA...can someone please give me some advice?

I have some queries...
First of all in head-to-head mode, the competition is in weekly basis.  Although you get more players playing on one day, you may have fewer on another day within the week and therefore it's not an advantage for that.  

Certainly, if the total number of games played within the week are more than your competitor, it can be great for that but don't forget every player have 82 games to play.  You take the advantage for this week and must take the disadvantage for another week.

XtravaganT vs EVIL 9.9.1985 means that "EVIL 9.9.1985" will be your competitor this week.  For the first week, it start from Nov1 to Nov6 (only 6 days) and Nov 7 to Nov13 for week2.  Within the week, your player will get some figure in 9 statistic (FG%, FT%, 3pts...).  The better in each of the statistic at the end of the week, you will get 1W (win) and you maximum 9W in one week.  After week 21, the best 6 will enter playoff and fight for the Championship.

[ Last edited by 秋葉林 on 2005-11-2 at 09:43 AM ]
Originally posted by 清揚 at 2005-11-2 08:06:

S. Nash 比T. Parker優秀
B. Simmons與D. Miles為同level球員
A. Jamison/J.Rose換D. Miles/Q. Richardson
T. Parker換 S. Nash 就ok~
無可否認 S. Nash 比 T. Parker 係略為出色,但係 S. Nash 今年上半季將會少咗 A. Stoudemire 呢個好拍擋,相信助攻數字會有啲影響;相反馬刺果邊今年人腳更加齊整,T. Parker 可以更加安心做一個 PG,雙方實力嘅差距今年應該會收窄。

另一方面,我並唔同意 B. Simmons 同 D. Miles 係同 level 嘅球員,以 B. Simmons 上季嘅表現,絕對係二線球員嘅實力分子,反而 D. Miles 一向雷聲大雨點小,表現海鮮到唔海鮮,重不時有傷患困擾,屬於有潛力但係高風險球員。我肯收 D. Miles 都你睇在 S. Nash 份上。

總而言之,呢個 offer 已經係我嘅底線,我會放呢個 offer 三日,如果唔成嘅話我只好放棄 S. Nash 。
Originally posted by Xtravagant at 2005-11-2 09:48:

thanks , can you explain abit o...
Each player can only play in some position.  For example, a PG can only play at PG or G, a PF can only play at PF or F.  For the lineup, there are 10 positions which can offer points and they are PG, SG, G, SF, F, PF, C, C, Util, Util.  

If you want to place 3 PF to the lineup in one day, you may place them in F, PF or Util (i.e. you can place maximum 4 PF in the lineup at each day).
Originally posted by 清揚 at 2005-11-2 22:58:

正因太陽冇左A.S先要更加要靠Nash, ...
呢一刻講乜都無用,又即管睇下你智慧有幾高 ...... 不過見你就咁計下得分同助攻就斷定單交易無著數,就知你重未知道呢個 game 嘅精妙之處,以你咁高智慧,慢慢領會下啦
XtravaganT,球員要放响非 BN 嘅位置先會計分,你今日 B. Gordon、D. Stoudamire 同 E. Dampier 放咗响 BN 度係唔會計分㗎

godson1 同 Z-ZONE 都係一樣,你哋自己小心啲啦,咁樣失咗分我做 admin 都幫你哋唔到
Originally posted by fantesticming05 at 2005-11-3 20:11:
只係岩岩............係咪唔得都未知 ...
Originally posted by Xtravagant at 2005-11-3 09:31:
quote : "我只知Nash尋日轟入30...
A. Jamison 換D. Miles
T. Parker 換 S. Nash

seem more fairer , 大家可以坐低慢慢傾, 來日方長

每個人都有底線, S. Nash 始終只係一個一級球員,統計數字只係集中响助攻好突出,唔夠全面作為一個 Yahoo NBA Fantasy 嘅星級球員,加上 D. Miles 嘅不明朗因素 ...... 我無話睇死佢哋兩個唔得,只係平衡過各方面之後,主觀認為用 A. Jamison 嚟 trade 並唔化算

雖然我隊波响助攻果方面的確比較弱,希望可以有 S. Nash 助陣唔駛慢慢 adjust,但係要我為咗佢放棄成隊波嘅平衡,我又覺得無咁嘅必要囉。個 league 打 24 個禮拜,一個禮拜未夠就大大動作猛咁換人同 trade 人,我就自問無咁嘅魄力喇
Originally posted by 艾力克 at 2005-11-4 19:25:

Electronic Unicorn 可唔可俾番parker我呀



你想換番佢絕對無問題,反正我對佢又唔係特別鍾情,反而你隊波我有好幾個球員都好鍾意,好似 S. Marbury 同 V. Carter 咁,只可惜你未必肯放。

如果你真係想 trade,不妨開幾個 offer 嚟參詳下,三個換三個都無問題。 S. Jackson 今年响 R. Artest 復出之後,上陣時間明顯少咗,加上頭兩場波表現麻麻,齋用佢嚟 trade 現階段似乎唔係咁可能

[ Last edited by 秋葉林 on 2005-11-4 at 08:19 PM ]
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » Yahoo NBA Fantasy League ( 26FUN Sports League )

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