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Originally posted by 艾力克 at 2006-1-12 22:46:
both are posted....!!~!
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
did not talk about James before

[ Last edited by 艾力克 on 2006-1-12 at 09:17 PM ]
Originally posted by nashisthebestpg at 2006-1-12 12:58:


仲有Sport板飛機區 索女運動員、PE學生妹等緊你(新圖非附件~免分~)
今日NY Kincks 105-94 wins hawks
令到larry brown贏取佢教練生涯第1000場勝利

繼Lenny Wilkens (1,332), Don Nelson (1,190) and Pat Riley (1,110).之後

LeBron射入51分﹐超越Kobe Bryant﹐成為NBA歷史上最年輕達到5000分既球員

Originally posted by nashisthebestpg at 2006-1-22 04:50 PM:
LeBron射入51分﹐超越Kobe Bryant﹐成為NBA歷史上最年輕達到5000分既球員

New Jersey F Clifford Robinson played in his 1,286th game, tying him with Sam Perkins for 11th place on the NBA's all-time list. Mark Jackson is 10th at 1,296 games.
LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Kobe Bryant scored a staggering 81 points -- the second-highest total in NBA history -- and the Los Angeles Lakers beat the Toronto Raptors 122-104 Sunday night.

With the fans at Staples Center chanting "MVP! MVP!" Bryant made two free throws with 43.4 seconds remaining for his final points, putting him behind only Wilt Chamberlain on the all-time scoring list.

Chamberlain scored 100 points for Philadelphia against the New York Knicks at Hershey, Pa., on March 2, 1962. His second-highest total was 78 against the Lakers in three overtimes on Dec. 8, 1961.  

"I couldn't even dream of this when I was a kid," Bryant said. "There was no way possible."

Bryant left to a standing ovation with 4.2 seconds remaining, having shot 28-of-46 from the floor and 18-of-20 from the foul line. He was 7-of-13 from 3-point range.

Elgin Baylor held the previous franchise record of 71 points at New York on Nov. 15, 1960.

Michael Jordan's career high was 69 points, and only four players had ever scored more than 70 -- Chamberlain, Baylor, David Thompson and David Robinson.

The 27-year-old Bryant made it five.

He played nearly 42 minutes, going the entire second half until being lifted by coach Phil Jackson. He scored 27 points in the third quarter and 28 more in the fourth.

That came on the same night the NBA had its highest-scoring game in 11 years when Seattle beat Phoenix 152-149 in two overtimes.
The last 300-point game in the league came when Dallas beat Houston 156-147 in two overtimes on April 11, 1995, according to the Elias Sports Bureau.

Bryant's previous career high was 62 points during a 112-90 victory over Dallas last month, but sat out the fourth quarter because of the one-sided nature of the game.

jordan 最高都係得 69分, 而家o既 NBA 咁注重防守, 都俾 kobe 攞倒 81分~
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