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Originally posted by 艾力克 at 2005-11-22 07:45 PM:

how about ridnour?
我同你個trade繼續, 但你trade到Ridnour, 就比我(我拿CV同你換番)甘樣得吾得?
Originally posted by 艾力克 at 2005-11-22 07:51 PM:

即係你要 ridnour
我要 wells, CV?

how about CV vs D. Williams?

cant give u D Williams sorry

I take ridnour
U get Wells, CV?

I guess I have to put my trust on you

不過 , 如果你拿吾到Ridnour阿就算啦. Wells 你繼續keep

[ Last edited by Xtravagant on 2005-11-22 at 07:56 PM ]
Originally posted by 艾力克 at 2005-11-22 08:01 PM:

我見你話多新人咪問你個 DW 囉
個 ...
甘阿, 好喇, 我成全你啦.
見距6"5 日日拿7個籃板, 怕他遲早出事.
Vill應該幾有潛質. 之前聽好多人講都話距好勁.
Originally posted by fantesticming05 at 2005-11-22 09:01 PM:

我想換你個webber.........如果要2換2我都冇所謂 ~
Ridnour trade Bonzi Wells do u want that ?
Originally posted by 清揚 at 2005-11-22 09:09 PM:
C. Webber+C. Villanueva TradeT. Parker+C. Mihm/J. Rose~
CV真系吾錯架...好有潛質. 我就打死都吾信距成季FT%得30幾
Originally posted by fantesticming05 at 2005-11-22 09:13 PM:

假如我放 Okafor, 你覺得佢單換可換到邊個 ???

p.s. 和上述既交易冇關 ~
大家評下, OKAFOR可吾可以打番上季15分10個籃板佳績?
呢季CHA入了好多有實力既內線球員. Melvin Ely / Sean May. 我覺得會將OKAFOR既籃板同上場時間分薄
Originally posted by 艾力克 at 2005-11-22 09:33 PM:

fisher 同 parker 相差不遠

wells 個 trade cancel 左?
so quick ? I didnt expect it to be so quick ...

艾力克 => dont worry u will get Wells, cos I dont like him much ... give me 1 more week to observer CV and I will trade with u ok ?
Originally posted by fantesticming05 at 2005-11-22 09:38 PM:

Z. Pachulia 比 Okafor 好咩 ?
dont not trade OKAFOR for ZAZA
Originally posted by fantesticming05 at 2005-11-22 09:43 PM:

但係最近 S.parker 表現回落 wor........
S.Parker wont be as useful as Ridnour (he has really high rating by most NBA analysis)
Originally posted by 清揚 at 2005-11-22 09:45 PM:

Here are some prove of S.Parker :

Nov. 21 - 12:50 am et

Smush Parker hit just 3-of-12 shots and finished with two threes, two steals and eight points in the loss.
Phil Jackson may be close to pulling him out of the starting lineup, meaning you should be too.

Nov. 19, 2005 - 1:37 am et  

Smush Parker had 10 points, four boards and four assists tonight in the Laker loss.
He had zero steals and one three, and owners who scooped him up are now thinking about dropping him. He will probably average 10 points and one three per game, as opposed to the 20 and 2.5 he started the year off with.

Nov. 17, 2005 - 1:09 am et  
Smush Parker had 10 points, four rebounds, three assists, one steal and one three tonight.
He's not been nearly as effective as he was in the first week, but he's still holding some fantasy value.

如果你甘都仲要話他好過Ridnour, I won't bother argue with u

thx for ur vote :cool:

[ Last edited by Xtravagant on 2005-11-22 at 09:53 PM ]
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